TY -的AU -琼斯,雷盟-罗杰斯,雷盟-罗伯茨,让非盟-卡拉汉,林恩AU -林赛,劳拉AU -坎贝尔,约翰•AU - Thorogood玛格丽特AU -赖特,格雷厄姆AU -憔悴,尼克AU -汉克斯,克里斯AU -威廉姆森,格雷厄姆R PY - 2005 DA - 2005/11/10 TI -什么是电子健康(5):电子健康的研究议程通过利益相关者协商和政策背景审查乔- J地中海互联网Res SP - e54六世- 7 - 5 KW -医学信息学KW -研究重点AB -背景:2003年,英格兰和威尔士的国民保健服务尽管在信息和通信技术方面进行了大量投资,但尚未制定国家研究议程。国民保健服务体系有三个主要的研究和发展项目:一个是2003年启动的服务提供和组织项目,另外两个是两个平行的“范围界定活动”,以帮助制定研究议程。本文报道了其中一个项目。其他人也进行了类似的文献综述,并在其他地方进行了报道。目的:目的是探讨利益攸关方关注的问题,审查相关政策,以便提出建议和电子卫生研究的概念图。方法:两股平行。就持份者谘询而言,代表12个“持份者”团体的37名专业人士参与焦点小组或访谈。讨论由eHealth“场景”引发,并使用主题内容分析进行分析。随后,17名非专业人士分成三个焦点小组讨论并确定了这些主题的优先次序。 For the policy review, 26 policy makers were interviewed, and 95 policy documents were reviewed. Recommendations were subsequently reviewed in a conference workshop. Recommendations for research from both strands were combined into a conceptual map. Results: Themes from stakeholder consultation and policy review were combined as 43 recommendations under six headings. Four of these headings (using, processing, sharing, and controlling information) describe the scope of eHealth research. The other two relate to how research should be carried out (ensuring best practice is first identified and disseminated) and to the values considered important by stakeholders (in particular, measuring improvement in health). Conclusions: The scope of eHealth research (using, processing, sharing, controlling information) derived empirically from this study corresponds with “textbook” descriptions of informatics. Stakeholders would like eHealth research to include outcomes such as improved health or quality of life, but such research may be long term while changes in information technology are rapid. Longer-term research questions need to be concerned with human behavior and our use of information, rather than particular technologies. In some cases, “modelling” longer-term costs and benefits (in terms of health) may be desirable. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2005/5/e54/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.7.5.e54 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16403718 DO - 10.2196/jmir.7.5.e54 ID - info:doi/10.2196/jmir.7.5.e54 ER -