性功能障碍是一组私人疾病,当患者与医生讨论他们的私人问题时,可能会引起耻辱。他们可能也不愿意发起面对面的咨询。网络搜索逐渐成为性功能障碍人群获取健康信息的首选。在全球范围内,维基百科是英语世界中最受欢迎和咨询的认证百科网站。百度百科正在成为华语地区的主要来源;然而,内容的客观性和可读性还有待评估。目的:因此,我们旨在评估维基百科和百度百科上男性性功能障碍内容的可靠性、可读性和客观性。方法:对中文百度百科全书和英文维基百科进行调查。对最常见的男性性功能障碍、勃起功能障碍、早泄及其最常见的并发症(慢性前列腺炎/慢性盆腔疼痛综合征)的所有可能的同义和衍生关键词进行筛选。 Two doctors evaluated the articles on Chinese Baidu Encyclopedia and English Wikipedia. The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) scoring system, DISCERN instrument, and Global Quality Score (GQS) were used to assess the quality of disease-related articles. Results: The total DISCERN scores (P=.002) and JAMA scores (P=.001) for Wikipedia were significantly higher than those of Baidu Encyclopedia; there was no statistical difference between the GQS scores (P=.31) for these websites. Specifically, the DISCERN Section 1 score (P<.001) for Wikipedia was significantly higher than that of Baidu Encyclopedia, while the differences between the DISCERN Section 2 and 3 scores (P=.14 and P=.17, respectively) were minor. Furthermore, Wikipedia had a higher proportion of high total DISCERN scores (P<.001) and DISCERN Section 1 scores (P<.001) than Baidu Encyclopedia. Baidu Encyclopedia and Wikipedia both had low DISCERN Section 2 and 3 scores (P=.49 and P=.99, respectively), and most of these scores were low quality. Conclusions: Wikipedia provides more reliable, higher quality, and more objective information than Baidu Encyclopedia. Yet, there are opportunities for both platforms to vastly improve their content quality. Moreover, both sites had similar poor quality content on treatment options. Joint efforts of physicians, physician associations, medical institutions, and internet platforms are needed to provide reliable, readable, and objective knowledge about diseases. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2022/8/e37339 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/37339 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35943768 DO - 10.2196/37339 ID - info:doi/10.2196/37339 ER -