TY -的盟Ledel日向Ingrid Konstanse盟——Varsi Cecilie AU -艾德,婆婆非盟- Kristjansdottir Olof Birna盟——Mirkovic伊莲娜AU - Børøsund,艾琳AU - HaalandØverby, Mette盟——Heldal卡琳娜盟——Schreurs Karlein MG非盟- Waxenberg Lori B非盟-维斯,凯伦伊丽莎白AU -莫里森Eleshia J AU -索伯格Nes,丽丝PY - 2019 DA - 2019/04/01 TI -病人的需求和要求电子健康的疼痛管理干预措施:定性研究JO - J Med Internet Res SP - e13205 VL - 21 IS - 4kw -慢性疼痛KW -电子健康KW -自我管理KW -定性方法KW -干预开发KW -以用户为中心的设计AB -背景:越来越多的证据支持电子健康(eHealth)干预在管理慢性疼痛方面的潜在有效性。然而,关于慢性疼痛患者对电子健康干预措施的需求和偏好的研究很少。在电子卫生干预措施的开发中吸引用户的输入可能是为患者开发有意义的干预措施以潜在地改善治疗结果的关键一步。目的:本研究旨在探讨慢性疼痛患者在信息和通信技术方面的经验,了解电子健康干预如何支持慢性疼痛患者的日常需求和挑战,并确定患者使用电子健康疼痛管理干预的可能促进因素和障碍。方法:20例慢性疼痛患者及5名配偶参加个别访谈。采用半结构化访谈指南,探讨参与者在日常生活中的需求、经验和挑战,以及他们的信息和通信技术经验和对电子健康支持干预措施的偏好。为了进一步了解患者的需求,研究人员招募并采访了他们的配偶。本研究采用定性专题分析。结果:参与者通常是经验丰富的技术用户,并报告经常使用应用程序。 They were mainly in favor of using an eHealth self-management intervention for chronic pain and considered it a potentially acceptable way of gathering knowledge and support for pain management. The participants expressed the need for obtaining more information and knowledge, establishing a better balance in everyday life, and receiving support for improving communication and social participation. They provided suggestions for the eHealth intervention content and functionality to address these needs. Accessibility, personalization, and usability were emphasized as important elements for an eHealth support tool. The participants described an ideal eHealth intervention as one that could be used for support and distraction from pain, at any time or in any situation, regardless of varying pain intensity and concentration capacity. Conclusions: This study provides insight into user preferences for eHealth interventions aiming to address self-management for chronic pain. Participants highlighted important factors to be considered when designing and developing eHealth interventions for self-management of chronic pain, illustrating the importance and benefit of including users in the development of eHealth interventions. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03705104; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03705104. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2019/4/e13205/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/13205 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30877780 DO - 10.2196/13205 ID - info:doi/10.2196/13205 ER -