TY -的盟Karystianis乔治AU -阿迪,Armita AU -斯科菲尔德,彼得·W非盟-格林伯格,大卫AU - Jorm,路易莎非盟- Nenadic Goran AU -巴特勒,托尼PY - 2019 DA - 2019/03/12 TI -自动化分析家庭暴力的警方报告探讨滥用和受害者伤害类型:文本挖掘研究乔- J地中海互联网Res SP - e13067六世- 21 - 3 KW -家庭暴力KW -伤害KW -虐待类型KW -文本挖掘KW -基于规则的方法KW - AB警察故事背景:警察每年都会参加大量的家庭暴力事件,记录这些事件的细节,包括结构化(编码)数据和非结构化的自由文本叙述。由相关人员(POIs)实施的虐待类型(包括身体、心理、情感和经济)以及受害者遭受的任何伤害通常都记录在长篇描述性叙述中。目的:我们旨在确定一种自动文本挖掘方法是否可以在新南威尔士州警察局的大型警察数据集中的叙述中识别家庭暴力受害者遭受的虐待类型和任何伤害。方法:我们使用200个记录的家庭暴力事件的训练集,根据文本中的句法模式设计了一种知识驱动的方法,然后将这种方法应用于大量的警察报告。结果:在100个家庭暴力事件的评估集上测试我们的方法,虐待类型和受害者伤害的精度值分别为90.2%和85.0%。在492,393份家庭暴力报告中,我们发现71.32%(351,178)的事件提到了虐待类型,超过三分之一(177,117件;35.97%)含有受害者伤害。“情感/言语虐待”(33.46%;117,488次)是最常见的虐待类型,其次是“打人”(86,322次; 24.58%) and “property damage” (22.27%; 78,203 events). “Bruising” was the most common form of injury sustained (51,455 events; 29.03%), with “cut/abrasion” (28.93%; 51,284 events) and “red marks/signs” (23.71%; 42,038 events) ranking second and third, respectively. Conclusions: The results suggest that text mining can automatically extract information from police-recorded domestic violence events that can support further public health research into domestic violence, such as examining the relationship of abuse types with victim injuries and of gender and abuse types with risk escalation for victims of domestic violence. Potential also exists for this extracted information to be linked to information on the mental health status. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2019/3/e13067/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/13067 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30860490 DO - 10.2196/13067 ID - info:doi/10.2196/13067 ER -