TY -的盟Tyrawski詹妮弗盟——DeAndrea David C PY - 2015 DA - 2015/06/01 TI -制药公司和他们的药物对社交媒体:药品信息的内容分析互联网上流行的社交媒体网站乔- J地中海Res SP - e130六世- 17 - 6千瓦——社交媒体KW -电子健康KW -电视直销广告KW - eDTCA KW -药品KW -在线医药服务KW -非法网上药店KW - Facebook KW——Twitter千瓦YouTube AB -背景:对于制药公司在社交媒体上直接向消费者推销药品,人们提出了许多担忧。这种形式的直接面向消费者的广告(DTCA)可以是互动的,而且由于它在很大程度上不受监控,与风险相比,药物治疗的好处很容易被过分强调。此外,非专业的消费者可以在社交媒体上分享他们自己的药品推荐,非法在线药店可以在流行的社交媒体网站上推销他们的服务。公众很有可能在社交媒体上接触到关于药品的误导性或危险信息。目的:我们的中心目标是研究制药公司如何使用社交媒体与公众互动并营销他们的药物。我们还试图分析在美国Facebook、Twitter和YouTube上广泛使用的药品搜索结果中出现的信息的性质,特别强调非法药店的存在。方法:对以下内容进行内容分析:(1)全球前15家制药公司的Facebook、Twitter和YouTube账户上的社交媒体内容;(2)在Facebook、Twitter和YouTube上搜索美国购买的前20种药品时出现的内容。值得注意的是,对于特定于公司的分析,我们检查了与各种形式的DTCA类似的信息的存在、公司帖子的受众范围以及公司与消费者互动的数量和质量。对于特定药物的分析,我们记录了非法药店、个人证词和药物功效声明的存在。 Results: From the company-specific analysis, we found information similar to help-seeking DTCA in 40.7% (301/740) of pharmaceutical companies’ social media posts. Drug product claims were present in only 1.6% (12/740) of posts. Overall, there was a substantial amount of consumers who interacted with pharmaceutical companies through commenting (23.9%, 177/740). For the drug-specific analysis, we found that the majority of search results contained drug product claims (69.4%, 482/695); more claims mentioned only benefits (44.8%, 216/482) relative to only risks (27.2%, 131/482). Additionally, approximately 25% (150/603) of posts on Twitter and YouTube were presented as personal testimonials. A considerable percentage of content on Facebook contained advertisements for illegal online pharmacies (17%, 16/92). Conclusions: Pharmaceutical companies avoid making drug product claims on their social media accounts but frequently post content that is consistent with FDA definitions for help-seeking DTCA. Thousands of people often view content posted by pharmaceutical companies on social media; users also share company postings making both direct and indirect influence possible. Finally, people are likely to be exposed to drug product claims and information about illegal pharmacies when searching for information about popular pharmaceutical drugs on social media. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2015/6/e130/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.4357 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26032738 DO - 10.2196/jmir.4357 ID - info:doi/10.2196/jmir.4357 ER -