TY -非盟的蒙塔古伊妮德盟——Perchonok詹妮弗PY - 2012 DA - 2012/05/31 TI -健康与保健技术使用历史缺医少药健康消费者:系统回顾乔- J地中海互联网Res SP - e78六世- 14 - 3 KW -医疗差距KW -生物医学技术KW -健康教育千瓦卫生知识、态度和实践KW -医疗保健质量,访问,和评价KW -教育技术KW -文化多样性AB -背景:卫生技术的实施是美国的国家优先事项,并在文献中广泛讨论。然而,关于在历史上服务不足的人群中使用这项技术的文献有限。在文献中,关于文化上知情的健康和保健技术以及使用这些技术来减少美国历史上服务不足的人群面临的健康差距的信息很少。目的:研究技术在历史上服务不足的人群中使用的方式,通过促进或改善医疗保健获取和健康和福祉结果来减少健康差距。方法:我们对四个图书馆数据库(PubMed、PsycINFO、Web of Science和Engineering Village)进行了系统回顾,以调查历史上服务不足的人群对技术的使用情况。搜索字符串由三个主题组成(例如,技术、历史上服务不足的人群和健康)。结果:4个数据库共检索424个检索词,检索出16108篇论文。经过评审,125篇论文符合评选标准。在选定的论文中,讨论了30种技术,19个历史上服务不足的群体,以及23个健康问题。 Further, almost half of the papers (62 papers) examined the use of technology to create effective and culturally informed interventions or educational tools. Finally, 12 evaluation techniques were used to assess the technology. Conclusions: While the reviewed studies show how technology can be used to positively affect the health of historically underserved populations, the technology must be tailored toward the intended population, as personally relevant and contextually situated health technology is more likely than broader technology to create behavior changes. Social media, cell phones, and videotapes are types of technology that should be used more often in the future. Further, culturally informed health information technology should be used more for chronic diseases and disease management, as it is an innovative way to provide holistic care and reminders to otherwise underserved populations. Additionally, design processes should be stated regularly so that best practices can be created. Finally, the evaluation process should be standardized to create a benchmark for culturally informed health information technology. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2012/3/e78/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.2095 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22652979 DO - 10.2196/jmir.2095 ID - info:doi/10.2196/jmir.2095 ER -