TY - JOUR AU - Archambault、Patrick Michel AU - Bilodeau、Andrea AU - Gagnon、Marie-Pierre AU - Aubin、Karine AU - Lavoie、andre AU - Lapointe、Jean AU - Poitras、Julien AU - Croteau、Sylvain AU - phamdinh、Martin AU - lacimgar、法国PY - 2012 DA - 2012/04/19 TI -医疗保健专业人士的信念对使用基于维基提醒促进创伤护理的最佳实践乔- J地中海互联网Res SP - e49六世- 14 - 2 KW -维基KW -协作编写应用程序KW - Web 2.0 KW -创伤性脑损伤KW - interprofessional协作KW -提醒KW -计算机临床决策支持系统KW -知识翻译KW -循证医学KW - AB -背景:计划行为理论维基是知识翻译工具,可以帮助卫生专业人员在急症护理中实施最佳实践。影响专业人士使用wiki的因素知之甚少。目的:确定和比较急诊医生(EPs)和联合卫生专业人员(AHPs)关于使用基于维基的提醒,促进创伤性脑损伤循证护理的信念。方法:利用计划行为理论,采用半结构化访谈法,了解ep和ahp对使用wiki提醒的看法。先前的研究建议样本为25个EPs和25个ahp。我们有目的地从加拿大魁北克省的三家创伤中心选择参与者,以获得具有代表性的样本。使用单变量分析,我们评估了参与者的性别、年龄和经验水平是否与所有符合条件的个体相似。参与者观看了一段视频,展示了一位临床医生使用基于维基的提醒,我们采访了参与者关于他们的行为信念、控制信念和规范信念——也就是说,他们认为使用提醒的优点、缺点、障碍和促进因素,以及他们认为重要的参考对象会如何看待他们使用提醒。 Two reviewers independently analyzed the content of the interview transcripts. We considered the 75% most frequently mentioned beliefs as salient. We retained some less frequently mentioned beliefs as well. Results : Of 66 eligible EPs and 444 eligible AHPs, we invited 55 EPs and 39 AHPs to participate, and 25 EPs and 25 AHPs (15 nurses, 7 respiratory therapists, and 3 pharmacists) accepted. Participating AHPs had more experience than eligible AHPs (mean 14 vs 11 years; P = .04). We noted no other significant differences. Among EPs, the most frequently reported advantage of using a wiki-based reminder was that it refreshes the memory (n = 14); among AHPs, it was that it provides rapid access to protocols (n = 16). Only 2 EPs mentioned a disadvantage (the wiki added stress). The most frequently reported favorable referent was nurses for EPs (n = 16) and EPs for AHPs (n = 19). The most frequently reported unfavorable referents were people resistant to standardized care for EPs (n = 8) and people less comfortable with computers for AHPs (n = 11). The most frequent facilitator for EPs was ease of use (n = 19); for AHPs, it was having a bedside computer (n = 20). EPs’ most frequently reported barrier was irregularly updated wiki-based reminders (n = 18); AHPs’ was undetermined legal responsibility (n = 10). Conclusions : We identified EPs’ and AHPs’ salient beliefs about using a wiki-based reminder. We will draw on these beliefs to construct a questionnaire to measure the importance of these determinants to EPs’ and AHPs’ intention to use a wiki-based reminder promoting evidence-based care for traumatic brain injuries. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2012/2/e49/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1983 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22515985 DO - 10.2196/jmir.1983 ID - info:doi/10.2196/jmir.1983 ER -