%0期刊文章%@ 1438- 8871% I Gunther Eysenbach %V 5% N 3% P e 22% T基于web的住院医师计划信息的使用和效用:住院医师申请人调查%A Embi,Peter J %A Desai,Sima %A Cooney,Thomas G %+风湿病和免疫疾病科,克利夫兰诊所基金会,9500 Euclid Ave, A50台,俄亥俄州克利夫兰44195,+1 216 445 6996,embip@ccf.org %K实习和住院医师%K互联网%K教育%K医学%K毕业生%K求职%K职业选择%K手册%D 2003 %7 25.9.2003 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:互联网已经成为居留申请过程中必不可少的一部分。近年来,申请人和居留计划已经使用基于互联网的国家居留匹配计划(NRMP,匹配)和电子居留申请服务(ERAS)工具来处理和管理申请和匹配信息。此外,许多住院医师项目已经将招聘信息从印刷的小册子转移到网站上。尽管有了这样的变化,但申请人如何使用住院医生计划网站,以及什么构成了最佳住院医生计划网站内容,这些信息对开发和维护此类网站至关重要。目的:通过调查内科住院医师项目的申请人,研究基于网络的住院医师项目信息的使用和感知效用。方法:我们的样本人群是俄勒冈卫生与科学大学内科住院医师计划的申请人,他们被邀请参加面试。我们通过电子居留申请服务邮局应用程序提供的群发电子邮件功能征求参与。为了最大限度地减少偏差反应的可能性,研究限制在提交国家住院医师匹配计划排名顺序列表和发布匹配结果之间的时间段。 Applicants could respond using an anonymous Web-based form or by reply to the e-mail solicitation. We tabulated responses, calculated percentages for each, and performed a qualitative analysis of comments. Results: Of the 431 potential participants, 218 responded (51%) during the study period. Ninety-nine percent reported comfort browsing the Web; 52% accessed the Web primarily from home. Sixty-nine percent learned about residency Web sites primarily from residency-specific directories while 19% relied on general directories. Eighty percent found these sites helpful when deciding where to apply, 69% when deciding where to interview, and 36% when deciding how to rank order programs for the Match. Forty-nine percent found sites most useful in deciding where to apply, while 40% found them most useful while preparing for their interviews. Seventy-two percent felt that a "complete" Web site could substitute for a mailed printed brochure. Qualitative analysis identified additional important information needs. Conclusions: Applicants are turning to residency Web sites for information during critical phases of the application process. Though usually helpful, many of these sites are felt to be incomplete and may not be meeting important applicant information needs. These findings should be useful to those involved in residency recruitment efforts and in counseling applicants. %M 14517113 %R 10.2196/jmir.5.3.e22 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2003/3/e22/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.5.3.e22 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14517113