%0期刊文章%@ 1438-8871 %I JMIR出版物%V 24%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 N 1% P e30379% T社交媒体和医疗保健(第二部分):叙事的社交媒体使用患者%波斯语,Deema % Martinez-Menchaca,赫克托耳R %艾哈迈德,穆罕默德%波斯语,Nada % +儿科牙医学系,牙科学院,阿卜杜拉国王大学,邮政信箱80200,吉达,21589年,沙特阿拉伯、966 16402000分机20388 dfarsi@kau.edu.sa % K社交媒体% K社交% K互联网% K医疗% K COVID-19 % K病人% K远程医疗% K手机7 7.1.2022 2022% % D % 9审查% J J互联网Res % G英语% X背景:人们现在在一个无国界的网络世界里相互联系。现代公众,尤其是年轻一代,严重依赖互联网作为健康信息的主要来源。在医疗保健方面,患者可以使用社交媒体进行更有针对性的用途,如远程医疗、寻找提供者和同伴支持。目的:这篇叙述性综述的目的是从患者的角度讨论社交媒体如何在医疗保健行业中使用,并描述围绕其在医疗保健中的使用的主要问题。方法:在2020年3月至6月期间,对PubMed、谷歌Scholar和Web of Science上自2007年以来发表的英语研究文献进行了综述,并讨论了社交媒体在医疗保健中的使用。除了讨论患者使用社交媒体的英文出版物外,还包括与使用社交媒体的伦理和法律考虑有关的出版物。这些研究被归类为健康信息、远程医疗、寻找医疗保健提供者、同伴支持和分享经验以及影响积极的健康行为。此外,审查还增加了两个部分:与医疗保健中使用社交媒体有关的问题和道德考虑。 Results: Initially, 75 studies were included. As the study proceeded, more studies were included, and a total of 91 studies were reviewed, complemented by 1 textbook chapter and 13 web references. Approximately half of the studies were reviews. The first study was published in 2009, and the last was published in 2021, with more than half of the studies published in the last 5 years. The studies were mostly from the United States (n=40), followed by Europe (n=13), and the least from India (n=1). WhatsApp or WeChat was the most investigated social media platform. Conclusions: Social media can be used by the public and patients to improve their health and knowledge. However, due diligence must be practiced to assess the credibility of the information obtained and its source. Health care providers, patients, and the public need not forget the risks associated with the use of social media. The limitations and shortcomings of the use of social media by patients should be understood. %M 34994706 %R 10.2196/30379 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2022/1/e30379 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/30379 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34994706