在新加坡社会经济地位较低的老年人中建立数字素养(Project Wir卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析e Up);非随机对照试验%A Ngiam,Nerice Heng Wen %A Yee,Wan Qi %A Teo,Nigel %A Yow,Ka Shing %A Soundararajan,Amrish %A Lim,Jie Xin %A Lim,Haikel %A Tey,Angeline %A Tang,Kai Wen Aaron %A Tham,Celine Yi Xin %A Tan,Jamaica Pei Ying %A Lu,Si yin %A Yoon,Sungwon %A Ng,Kennedy Yao Yi %A Low,Lian eng %+新加坡总医院人口健康与综合护理办公室,新加坡,168582,新加坡,65 69703018,low.lian.leng@singhealth.com.sg %K数字素养%K健康决定因素%K COVID-19大流行%K社会距离%K老年人%K孤独感%K社会联系%K生活质量%K幸福感%K数字包容性%K基于网络的%K信息和通信技术%D 2022 %7 2.12.2022 %9原创论文%J J医学互联网研究%G英语%X在一个快速数字化的世界中,老年人无法利用数字技术与较弱的社会联系和较差的健康状况有关。尽管新加坡广泛采用数字技术,但老年人,特别是社会经济地位较低的老年人,在采用信息和通信技术方面仍然面临困难,并且通常被数字技术排除在外。目的:我们旨在研究志愿者主导的、一对一的和基于家庭的数字扫盲计划对低社会经济地位老年人的数字扫盲和健康相关结果(如自我报告的孤独、社会联系、生活质量和幸福感)的影响。方法:2020年7月至2021年11月在新加坡进行了一项非随机对照研究,涉及138名年龄≥55岁且社会经济地位较低的数字排除社区老年人。等待参加该项目的老年人作为对照组。参与干预的老年人配备了智能手机和手机数据,每两周到每月接受志愿者的数字素养培训,学习数字技能,并以数字方式连接到他们现有的社交网络。主要结果是自我报告的数字素养的提高。 Secondary outcomes included improvements in University of California, Los Angeles 3-item loneliness scale, Lubben Social Network Scale-6, EQ-5D-3L and EQ visual analogue scale scores, and Personal Wellbeing Score. Results: There were significant improvements in digital literacy scores in the intervention group as compared to controls (mean difference 2.28, 95% CI 1.37-3.20; P<.001). Through multiple linear regression analyses, this difference in digital literacy scores remained independently associated with group membership after adjusting for differences in baseline scores, age, gender, education, living arrangement, housing type, and baseline social connectivity and loneliness status. There was no statistically significant difference in University of California, Los Angeles 3-item loneliness scale, Lubben Social Network Scale-6, Personal Wellbeing Score, or EQ-5D Utility and visual analogue scale score. Conclusions: This study adds to the growing research on digital inclusion by showing that a volunteer-led, one-on-one, and home-based digital literacy program contributed to increase digital literacy in older adults of low SES. Future studies should look into developing more older adult–friendly digital spaces and technology design to encourage continued digital adoption in older adults and, eventually, impact health-related outcomes. %M 36459398 %R 10.2196/40341 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2022/12/e40341 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/40341 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36459398