从现实世界的数据调查助听器听力程序的提供和使用背景;卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析观察研究%A Pasta,Alessandro %A Szatmari, tiberius - ioan %A Christensen,Jeppe Høy %A Jensen,Kasper Juul %A Pontoppidan,Niels Henrik %A Sun,Kang %A Larsen,Jakob Eg %+丹麦技术大学应用数学与计算机科学系,Richard Petersens Plads 324楼,丹麦,2800,Kongens lynby, 45 4525 3031alpas@dtu.dk %K个性化医疗%K助听器%K数据记录%K听力程序%K声音环境%K手机%D 2022 %7 17.10.2022 %9原文%J J Med Internet Res %G English %X背景:听力程序使助听器(HA)用户能够根据特定的听力情况更改设备设置,从而个性化他们的听力体验。然而,缺乏对现实世界中使用此类听力项目来支持临床决策和评估HA治疗成功的调查。目的:我们的目的是调查在市场上的大群HA用户中提供的听力节目以及这些节目通常使用的背景。方法:首先,我们分析了市场上32,336个HA用户提供了多少和哪些程序。其次,我们从1312名选定的用户中选取了332,271个节目,以调查特定节目使用的声音环境,以及这些环境是否反映了所使用节目名称所传达的收听意图。我们的分析是基于连接智能手机的ha记录的真实世界纵向数据。结果:在我们的样本中,57.71%(18,663/32,336)的HA用户有针对特定听力情况的程序,这一比例高于之前的报道,很可能是由于纳入标准的原因。在关联规则挖掘的基础上,我们确定了一个主要的附加听力程序,噪声中的语音,它在用户中很常见,并且通常在提供其他附加程序时提供。 We also identified 2 secondary additional programs (Comfort and Music), which are frequent among users who get ≥3 programs and usually provided in combination with Speech in Noise. In addition, 2 programs (TV and Remote Mic) were related to the use of external accessories and not found to be associated with other programs. On average, users selected Speech in Noise, Comfort, and Music in louder, noisier, and less-modulated (all P<.01) environments compared with the environment in which they selected the default program, General. The difference from the sound environment in which they selected General was significantly larger in the minutes following program selection than in the minutes preceding it. Conclusions: This study provides a deeper insight into the provision of listening programs on a large scale and demonstrates that additional listening programs are used as intended and according to the sound environment conveyed by the program name. %M 36251349 %R 10.2196/36671 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2022/10/e36671 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/36671 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36251349