新冠肺炎对话中与疫苗相关推文分享的网站内容和动态:卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析计算分析A Cruickshank,Iain %A Ginossar,Tamar %A Sulskis,Jason %A Zheleva,Elena %A Berger-Wolf,Tanya %+卡内基梅隆大学社会与组织系统计算分析中心,宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡福布斯大道5000号,15201,美国,17192371515,icruicks@andrew.cmu.edu % K COVID-19 % K议程设定% K反疫苗% K跨平台% K数据挖掘社交媒体的% K错误% K社交媒体% K Twitter % K疫苗% K疫苗犹豫% D原始论文7 3.12.2021 % 9 2021% % J J互联网Res % G英语% X背景:COVID-19流行病的爆发和随之而来的“infodemic”增加担心Twitter的角色在推进反疫苗的消息,甚至在疫苗成为向公众开放。新的计算方法允许通过跟踪Twitter上共享的网站链接来分析跨平台使用,这反过来又可以揭示信息来源和议程设置过程的一些内容和动态。这样的理解可以推进减少错误信息的理论和努力。目的:根据议程设置理论,本研究旨在确定2020年2月至6月期间推特上与COVID-19相关的疫苗相关推文所共享的网站内容和时间模式。方法:采用三角剖分法进行数据分析。数据挖掘包括筛选发布到COVID-19对话中的约500万条推文,以识别与疫苗接种相关的推文,并包括这些推文中共享的网站链接。我们使用混合方法进一步分析了20个分享最多的外部网站的内容。结果:在确定的841896条与疫苗相关的推文中,185994条(22.1%)包含特定网站的链接。 A wide range of websites were shared, with the 20 most-tweeted websites constituting 14.5% (27,060/185,994) of the shared websites and typically being shared for only 2 to 3 days. Traditional media constituted the majority of these 20 websites, along with other social media and governmental sources. We identified markers of inauthentic propagation for some of these links. Conclusions: The topic of vaccination was prevalent in tweets about COVID-19 early in the pandemic. Sharing websites was a common communication strategy, and its “bursty” pattern and inauthentic propagation strategies pose challenges for health promotion efforts. Future studies should consider cross-platform use in dissemination of health information and in counteracting misinformation. %M 34665760 %R 10.2196/29127 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2021/12/e29127 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/29127 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34665760