期刊文章%@ 1438-8871 %I JMIR出版物%V 22 %N卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 7 %P 18466 %T初级保健中未开发的潜力:对临床医生的半结构化访谈,探讨患者入口如何在安全网络中为护理人员工作%A Casillas,Alejandra %A Cemballi,Anupama Gunshekar %A Abhat,Anshu %A Lemberg,Miya %A Portz,Jennifer D %A Sadasivaiah,Shobha %A Ratanawongsa,Neda %A Semere,Wagahta %A Brown,Arleen %A Lyles,Courtney Rees %+加州大学洛杉矶分校David Geffen医学院普通内科和卫生服务研究部,洛杉矶洛杉矶,套850,格伦登大道1100号90278,美国,1 310 794 0150,acasillas@mednet.ucla.edu %K患者门户%K护理人员%K弱势群体%K数字鸿沟%K移动电话%D 2020 %7 20.7.2020 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:在安全网设置中的患者不太可能访问患者门户上的健康信息,尽管表示有兴趣。家人和朋友是帮助这些患者(即医疗补助接受者、老年患者、英语水平有限的患者)在卫生系统中导航的重要资源,而提供者对这些群体中使用患者门户的支持也可能促进护理人员使用患者门户。目的:由于安全网提供者与照护者密切合作照顾患者,我们使用定性方法来探讨安全网提供者对照护者对患者使用门户的看法,特别是在照护者在安全网中使用门户的文献有限的情况下。方法:我们对来自加州三大安全网医疗系统的提供者进行了45- 60分钟的半结构化电话采访。访谈的重点是提供者与护理人员的经验、护理人员的角色,以及如何利用门户作为工具来支持护理人员履行其职责。共有三名编码员使用演绎法和归纳法分析访谈记录,并就主要主题达成共识。结果:16名受访者中,4名专门从事老年病学研究,且均担任领导或行政职务。我们描述了强调提供者认识到与护理人员门户使用相关的潜在好处和护理人员参与的具体挑战的主题。 Conclusions: Providers recognized the potential for portals to improve information delivery and communication by helping caregivers assist socially and medically complex patients in the safety net. Providers in safety net sites also discussed a clear need for better ways to keep in touch with patients and connect with caregivers, yet security and privacy are perhaps of higher importance in these settings and may pose challenges to portal adoption. They noted that caregivers of patients in the safety net likely face similar communication barriers as patients, especially with respect to digital literacy, health literacy, and English proficiency. Further research is needed to assess and support caregivers’ interest and ability to access portals across barriers in health and digital literacy, and English proficiency. Portal platforms and health systems must also address specific strategies to uphold patient preferences while maintaining privacy and security. %M 32706709 %R 10.2196/18466 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2020/7/e18466 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/18466 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32706709