在线医疗保健和社会福利服务的感知效益中的数字鸿沟:卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析国家横断面调查研究% Heponiemi, Tarja % Jormanainen, Vesa % Leemann, Lars % Manderbacka, Kristiina %阿尔托,Anna-Mari %海波伦,汉娜% +芬兰为健康和福利机构,赫尔辛基,阿宝箱30日,芬兰,358年295247434, % K数字鸿沟% K在线服务% K好处% K技能% K访问% K社会人口% K芬兰% D % K参与原始论文7 7.7.2020 % 9 2020% % J J互联网Res % G英语% X背景:在发达国家,医疗保健领域的在线服务数量正在迅速增加。期望使用者在照顾自己的健康和预防健康不良方面发挥更熟练和积极的作用。这就带来了用户(尤其是那些最需要服务的用户)退出数字服务的风险,从而导致数字鸿沟或排斥。为了确保广泛和平等地使用在线服务,所有用户都必须体验到这些服务的益处。摘要目的:本研究旨在探讨(1)人口统计(年龄、性别和城市化程度)、(2)自评健康、(3)社会经济地位(教育程度、经历过经济困难、劳动力市场地位和独居)、(4)社会参与(投票、对关系的满意度、与朋友和家人保持联系)以及(5)获取、技能、信息和通信技术的使用程度以及在线保健和社会福利服务所带来的好处。对协会的感知健康、经济和合作效益分别进行了检查。 Methods: We used a large random sample representative of the Finnish population including 4495 (56.77% women) respondents aged between 20 and 97 years. Analyses of covariance were used to examine the associations of independent variables with perceived benefits. Results: Access to online services, ICT skills, and extent of use were associated with all examined benefits of online services. ICT skills seemed to be the most important factor. Poor self-rated health was also consistently associated with lower levels of perceived benefits. Similarly, those who were keeping in touch with their friends and relatives at least once a week perceived online services more often beneficial in all the examined dimensions. Those who had experienced financial hardship perceived fewer health and economic benefits than others. Those who were satisfied with their relationships reported higher levels of health and collaboration benefits compared with their counterparts. Also age, education, and degree of urbanization had some statistically significant associations with benefits but they seemed to be at least partly explained by differences in access, skills, and extent of use of online services. Conclusions: According to our results, providing health care services online has the potential to reinforce existing social and health inequalities. Our findings suggest that access to online services, skills to use them, and extent of use play crucial roles in perceiving them as beneficial. Moreover, there is a risk of digital exclusion among those who are socioeconomically disadvantaged, in poor health, or socially isolated. In times when health and social services are increasingly offered online, this digital divide may predispose people with high needs for services to exclusion from them. %M 32673218 %R 10.2196/17616 %U // %U %U