在2019冠状病毒病禁闭期间,为居住在社区的轻度认知障碍或轻度痴呆的老卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析年人提供远程医疗家庭支持:调查研究%A Goodman-Casanova,Jessica Marian %A Dura-Perez,Elena %A Guzman-Parra,Jose %A Cuesta-Vargas,Antonio %A Mayoral-Cleries,Fermin %+精神卫生部门,地区大学医院Málaga,马拉加生物医学研究所(IBIMA), Plaza del Hospital s/n, Málaga, 29009,西班牙,34 660901966,jmariangoodman@gmail.com %K远程医疗%K隔离%K冠状病毒%K COVID-19 %K福祉%K应急响应%K公共卫生%K心理健康%K身体健康%K老年人%K认知障碍%K痴呆%D 2020 %7 22.5.2020 %9原文%J J Med互联网Res %G英语%X背景:冠状病毒病(COVID-19)突发公共卫生事件在全球范围内迅速演变;包括西班牙在内的一些国家已经实施了限制性措施。易受此次疫情及其身心健康影响的人群包括患有轻度认知障碍或轻度痴呆的社区老年人。远程保健是提供保健和减少接触风险的潜在工具。目的:本研究的目的是探讨禁闭对社区居住的轻度认知障碍或轻度痴呆老年人的健康和福祉的影响,提供基于电视和基于电话的健康和社会支持,并研究基于电视的辅助综合技术TV-AssistDem(支持患有轻度痴呆或轻度认知障碍的欧洲成年人的基于电视的辅助综合服务)的效果。方法:2020年3月25日至4月6日,在西班牙对93名电视辅助dem临床试验参与者进行电话调查。结果:受访患者中,女性占60/93(65%)。平均年龄为73.34岁(SD 6.07), 69/93(74%)患者有伴生活。 Lockdown measures forced 17/93 respondents (18%) to change their living arrangements. Health status was found to be optimal in 89/93 respondents (96%), with no COVID-19 symptoms. Grocery and pharmacy outings were performed by family members of 68/93 participants (73%); 57 (61%) reported overall well-being, and 65 (70%) maintained their sleep quality. However, participants living alone reported greater negative feelings and more sleeping problems. Regarding leisure activities, 53/93 respondents (57%) took walks, 32 (35%) played memory games, 55 (60%) watched television, and 91 (98%) telephoned relatives. 58/93 (64%) respondents reported accessing moderate or too much COVID-19 information, 89 (97%) received it from television, and 56 (62%) stated that their understanding of the information was extreme. 39/93 (39%) respondents had contacted health and social services, while 29 (31%) requested information regarding these services during the telephone call. There were no significant differences in health and well-being between the intervention and control groups. Respondents with TV-AssistDem performed more memory exercises (24/93, 52% vs 8/93, 17.4%; P<.001) than control respondents. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that during COVID-19 confinement, the physical and mental health and well-being was optimal for the majority of our vulnerable population. However, those living alone reported greater negative psychological effects and sleeping problems. Measures adopted to address the negative experiences of confinement included keeping informed about the situation, accessing health and social services, having a support network that prevents risk of exposure to COVID-19 and guarantees food and medical supplies, a daily routine with maintained sleeping habits and leisure activities, staying physically and mentally active with cognitive stimulation exercises, and ensuring social connectedness using technology. Television sets were preferred technological devices to access COVID-19 information, watch television as a recreational activity, and perform memory exercises as an intellectual activity. Television-based telehealth support using TV-AssistDem demonstrated potential for cognitive stimulation. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03653234; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03653234 %M 32401215 %R 10.2196/19434 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2020/5/e19434/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/19434 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32401215