%0期刊文章@ 1438- 8871% I JMIR出版物%V 22%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 N 12% P e19747 %T物理治疗师在理论检查期间使用基于web的信息资源来满足他们的信息需求:随机交叉试验%A Doherty,Cailbhe %A Joorabchi,Arash %A Megyesi,Peter %A Flynn,Aileen %A Caulfield,Brian %+都柏林大学学院公共卫生、物理治疗和运动科学学院,都柏林贝尔菲尔德健康科学大楼A308,爱尔兰都柏林,D4, 353 17166511,cailbhe.doherty@ucd.ie %K循证医学%K知识发现%K信息寻求行为%K信息传播%K信息素养%K在线系统%K点护理系统%K手机%D 2020 %7 17.12.2020 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英文%X背景:在医疗保健环境中,互联网连接智能设备的广泛可用性有可能改善研究证据向护理途径的传递,并满足医疗保健专业人员的信息需求。目的:本研究旨在评估物理治疗师体验信息需求的频率,满足这些需求的数字信息资源的能力,以及他们使用的特定类型的资源。方法:共38名受试者(均为执业物理治疗师;19名女性,19名男性)被随机分配在随机交叉研究设计的3种条件下完成三份20道选择题问卷(MCQ):网络浏览器辅助、联邦搜索门户系统辅助和无辅助。记录MCQ分数、时间和信息需求频率,用于整体考试水平和个别问题水平的分析。使用广义估计方程来评估主要结局条件之间的差异。日志文件分析进行评估参与者的网络搜索和检索行为。 Results: Participants experienced an information need in 55.59% (845/1520) MCQs (assisted conditions only) and exhibited a mean improvement of 10% and 16% in overall examination scores for the federated search and web browser conditions, respectively, compared with the unassisted condition (P<.001). In the web browser condition, Google was the most popular resource and the only search engine used, accounting for 1273 (64%) of hits, followed by PubMed (195 hits; 10% of total). In the federated search condition, Wikipedia and PubMed were the most popular resources with 1518 (46% of total) and 1273 (39% of total) hits, respectively. Conclusions: In agreement with the findings of previous research studies among medical physicians, the results of this study demonstrate that physiotherapists frequently experience information needs. This study provides new insights into the preferred digital information resources used by physiotherapists to fulfill these needs. Future research should clarify the implications of physiotherapists’ apparent high reliance on Google, whether these results reflect the authentic clinical environment, and whether fulfilling clinical information needs alters practice behaviors or improves patient outcomes. %M 33331826 %R 10.2196/19747 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2020/12/e19747/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/19747 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33331826