%0期刊文章%@ 1438-8871 %I JMIR出版物%V 22%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 N 11% P e21504 %T COVID-19大流行在线传播中的传播责任:利用自动分析技术测量污名化线索与负面情绪的计算方法%张阿,Angela %A Schulz,Peter Johannes %A Tu,ShengTsung %刘阿,Matthew Tingchi %+澳门大学社会科学学院传播系,E21-2056,澳门氹仔,100,中国,853 88228991,wychang@um.edu.mo %K归咎于%K罪魁祸首%K情感分析%K信息分析%K政治不满%K COVID-19 %K沟通%K大流行%K社交媒体%K消极%K信息流行%K信息流行%K信息监测%K责任%K耻辱%D 2020 %7 25.11.2020 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:关于一种新型冠状病毒的信息出现在2019年,并迅速在世界各地传播,引起了极大的公众关注,并引起了负面偏见。以指责为目的使用侮辱性语言引发了一场辩论。目的:本研究旨在识别社会群体中对应受责备行为者的社会污名和负面情绪。方法:我们建立了一个定制的文本挖掘平台,通过检索和过滤在线资源来识别自然环境中的数据,并从自然语言处理中构建词汇和学习词汇表示,以配合研究主题进行演绎分析。数据来源包括台湾的10个新闻网站、11个论坛、一个社交网络和两个主要的媒体共享网络。从2019年12月30日到2020年3月31日,新闻和社交网络分析的综合。结果:我们整理了超过107万篇中文文本。近三分之二的关于COVID-19的文本来自新闻服务(n=683,887, 63.68%),其次是Facebook (n=297,823, 27.73%),论坛(n=62,119, 5.78%),以及Instagram和YouTube (n=30,154, 2.81%)。 Our data showed that online news served as a hotbed for negativity and for driving emotional social posts. Online information regarding COVID-19 associated it with China—and a specific city within China through references to the “Wuhan pneumonia”—potentially encouraging xenophobia. The adoption of this problematic moniker had a high frequency, despite the World Health Organization guideline to avoid biased perceptions and ethnic discrimination. Social stigma is disclosed through negatively valenced responses, which are associated with the most blamed targets. Conclusions: Our sample is sufficiently representative of a community because it contains a broad range of mainstream online media. Stigmatizing language linked to the COVID-19 pandemic shows a lack of civic responsibility that encourages bias, hostility, and discrimination. Frequently used stigmatizing terms were deemed offensive, and they might have contributed to recent backlashes against China by directing blame and encouraging xenophobia. The implications ranging from health risk communication to stigma mitigation and xenophobia concerns amid the COVID-19 outbreak are emphasized. Understanding the nomenclature and biased terms employed in relation to the COVID-19 outbreak is paramount. We propose solidarity with communication professionals in combating the COVID-19 outbreak and the infodemic. Finding solutions to curb the spread of virus bias, stigma, and discrimination is imperative. %M 33108306 %R 10.2196/21504 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2020/11/e21504/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/21504 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33108306