在寻求12步成瘾治疗计划的信息之前,在互联网上搜索医学症状:卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析网络搜索日志分析%A Nitzburg,George %A Weber,Ingmar %A Yom-Tov,Elad %+哥伦比亚大学师范学院,纽约西120街525号,NY, 10027,美国,1 212 678 3267,nitzburg@tc.columbia.edu %K酒精使用障碍%K物质使用障碍%K 12步计划%K简短干预%K简短医生建议%K匿名网络搜索日志数据%D 2019 %7 03.05.2019 %9原文%J J Med internet Res %G English %X背景:在初级保健环境中,短暂干预是识别有问题物质使用的患者并促使他们考虑治疗方案的关键方法。然而,尽管有大量证据表明物质使用障碍患者的延迟折扣,但医生的大多数简短建议都侧重于长期的负面医疗后果,这可能不是激励患者寻求治疗信息的最佳方式。目的:确定最能促使个体寻求治疗信息的具体症状,可能为进一步改进简短干预措施提供见解。为此,我们使用匿名的互联网搜索引擎数据来调查在搜索12步会议定位器和一般12步信息之前的医疗状况和症状。方法:我们提取了2016年11月至2017年7月美国人在必应搜索引擎上的所有查询。对于那些提到寻求匿名戒酒会(AA)或匿名戒毒会(NA)的人,这些问题被过滤掉了;此外,还分析了包含医学症状或病症或其同义词的查询。我们确定了医学症状和条件,这些症状和条件预测了在不同时间滞后期间寻求治疗的搜索量。 Specifically, symptom queries were first determined to be significantly predictive of subsequent 12-step queries if the probability of querying a medical symptom by those who later sought information about the 12-step program exceeded the probability of that same query being made by a comparison group of all other Bing users in the United States. Second, we examined symptom queries preceding queries on the 12-step program at time lags of 0-7 days, 7-14 days, and 14-30 days, where the probability of asking about a medical symptom was greater in the 30-day time window preceding 12-step program information-seeking as compared to all previous times that the symptom was queried. Results: In our sample of 11,784 persons, we found 10 medical symptoms that predicted AA information seeking and 9 symptoms that predicted NA information seeking. Of these symptoms, a substantial number could be categorized as nonsevere in nature. Moreover, when medical symptom persistence was examined across a 1-month time period, a substantial number of nonsevere, yet persistent, symptoms were identified. Conclusions: Our results suggest that many common or nonsevere medical symptoms and conditions motivate subsequent interest in AA and NA programs. In addition to highlighting severe long-term consequences, brief interventions could be restructured to highlight how increasing substance misuse can worsen discomfort from common medical symptoms in the short term, as well as how these worsening symptoms could exacerbate social embarrassment or decrease physical attractiveness. %M 31066685 %R 10.2196/10946 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2019/5/e10946/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/10946 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31066685