基于网络的认知行为疗法与视频会议的实时治疗师支持对强迫症、恐慌症和社交卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析焦虑症患者的影响单臂试验试验%A松本,Kazuki %A Sutoh,Chihiro %A asasano,Kenichi %A Seki, yoki %A Yokoo,Mizue %A Takanashi,Rieko %A Yoshida,Tokiko %A Tanaka,Mari %A Noguchi,Remi %A Nagata,Shinobu %A Oshiro,Keiko %A Numata,Noriko %A Hirose,Motohisa %A Yoshimura,Kensuke %A Nagai,Kazue %A Sato,Yasunori %A Kishimoto,Taishiro %A Nakagawa,Akiko %A Shimizu,Eiji %+千叶大学医学研究生院认知行为生理学系,千叶,1-8-1,中央ku,千叶,千叶,,日本,81 43 226 2027,csutoh@graduate.chiba-u.jp %K临床试验%K认知行为疗法%K可行性研究%K强迫症%K惊恐障碍%K社交焦虑障碍%K视频会议%D 2018 %7 17.12.2018 %9原论文%J J医学互联网研究%G英语%X背景:认知行为疗法(CBT)是成人强迫症(OCD)、惊恐障碍(PD)、社交焦虑障碍(SAD)的一线治疗方法。农村地区的患者可以通过互联网访问CBT。互联网提供的认知行为治疗(ICBT)的有效性已经得到了一致的证明,但没有临床研究证明ICBT与通过视频会议实时治疗师支持同时治疗强迫症、PD和SAD的可行性。目的:本研究旨在评估视频会议提供CBT治疗强迫症、PD或SAD患者的可行性。方法:共有30名患有强迫症、SAD或PD的日本参与者(平均年龄35.4岁,SD 9.2)在治疗师的实时支持下,使用平板电脑(苹果iPad Mini 2)接受16次个性化视频会议提供的CBT治疗。治疗包括针对当前诊断的个性化CBT配方;所有的疗程都由同一位治疗师提供。主要结果是症状减轻,使用耶鲁-布朗强迫症量表(Y-BOCS)诊断强迫症,使用惊恐障碍严重程度量表(PDSS)诊断PD,使用Liebowitz社交焦虑量表(LSAS)诊断SAD。次要结果包括生活质量的EuroQol-5维度(EQ-5D),抑郁症的患者健康问卷(PHQ-9),焦虑症的广泛性焦虑障碍问卷(GAD-7)和工作联盟清单-短表(WAI-SF)。 All primary outcomes were assessed at baseline and at weeks 1 (baseline), 8 (midintervention), and 16 (postintervention) face-to-face during therapy. The occurrence of adverse events was observed after each session. For the primary analysis comparing between pre- and posttreatments, the participants’ points and 95% CIs were estimated by the paired t tests with the change between pre- and posttreatment. Results: A significant reduction in symptom of obsession-compulsion (Y-BOCS=−6.2; Cohen d=0.74; 95% CI −9.4 to −3.0, P=.002), panic (PDSS=−5.6; Cohen d=0.89; 95% CI −9.83 to −1.37; P=.02), social anxiety (LSAS=−33.6; Cohen d=1.10; 95% CI −59.62 to −7.49, P=.02) were observed. In addition, depression (PHQ-9=−1.72; Cohen d=0.27; 95% CI −3.26 to −0.19; P=.03) and general anxiety (GAD-7=−3.03; Cohen d=0.61; 95% CI −4.57 to −1.49, P<.001) were significantly improved. Although there were no significant changes at 16 weeks from baseline in EQ-5D (0.0336; Cohen d=-0.202; 95% CI −0.0198 to 0.00869; P=.21), there were high therapeutic alliance (ie, WAI-SF) scores (from 68.0 to 73.7) throughout treatment, which significantly increased (4.14; 95% CI 1.24 to 7.04; P=.007). Of the participants, 86% (25/29) were satisfied with videoconference-delivered CBT, and 83% (24/29) preferred videoconference-delivered CBT to face-to-face CBT. An adverse event occurred to a patient with SAD; the incidence was 3% (1/30). Conclusions: Videoconference-delivered CBT for patients with OCD, SAD, and SAD may be feasible and acceptable. %M 30559094 %R 10.2196/12091 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2018/12/e12091/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/12091 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30559094