%0期刊文章%@ 1438-8871 %I JMIR出版物%V 20%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 N 12% P e11254 %T数字卫生系统中的信任要素:范围综述%A Adjekum,Afua %A Blasimme,Alessandro %A Vayena,Effy %+苏黎世联邦理工学院健康科学与技术系,Auf der Mauer 17,苏黎世,瑞士,41 44 632 8301,effy.vayena@hest.ethz.ch %K数字健康%K数字健康技术%K卫生保健%K卫生系统%K信任%D 2018 %7 13.12.2018 %9综述%J J Med Internet Res %G英文%X背景:信息和通信技术早已成为卫生系统的突出组成部分。在过去几年里,数字技术和数据科学的快速发展预计将对医疗保健服务产生巨大影响,并将范式转变为现在通常所说的数字健康。为了遏制不断上涨的医疗成本,提高医疗系统的效率和安全性,数字医疗的成功在很大程度上依赖于专业终端用户、管理人员和患者的信任。然而,迄今为止,在数字卫生系统中,信任的构建模块仍未得到充分探索。目的:本研究的目的是分析相关利益攸关方认为数字健康信任的促成因素和障碍。方法:我们进行了范围审查,以确定对数字健康的信任。为了确定相关的数字健康研究,我们搜索了5个电子数据库。使用关键词和医学主题标题,我们针对所有相关研究,不设置出版年份的界限,以确定广泛的研究范围。研究由2名审稿人筛选,然后采用预定义的数据提取策略并记录相关主题。 Results: Overall, 278 qualitative, quantitative, mixed-methods, and intervention studies in English, published between 1998 and 2017 and conducted in 40 countries were included in this review. Patients and health care professionals were the two most prominent stakeholders of trust in digital health; a third—health administrators—was substantially less prominent. Our analysis identified cross-cutting personal, institutional, and technological elements of trust that broadly cluster into 16 enablers (altruism, fair data access, ease of use, self-efficacy, sociodemographic factors, recommendation by other users, usefulness, customizable design features, interoperability, privacy, initial face-to-face contact, guidelines for standardized use, stakeholder engagement, improved communication, decreased workloads, and service provider reputation) and 10 impediments (excessive costs, limited accessibility, sociodemographic factors, fear of data exploitation, insufficient training, defective technology, poor information quality, inadequate publicity, time-consuming, and service provider reputation) to trust in digital health. Conclusions: Trust in digital health technologies and services depends on the interplay of a complex set of enablers and impediments. This study is a contribution to ongoing efforts to understand what determines trust in digital health according to different stakeholders. Therefore, it offers valuable points of reference for the implementation of innovative digital health services. Building on insights from this study, actionable metrics can be developed to assess the trustworthiness of digital technologies in health care. %M 30545807 %R 10.2196/11254 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2018/12/e11254/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/11254 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30545807