[0] I Gunther Eysenbach %V 1 %N 2 %P 8 %T Borderless Teleradiology with CHILI %A Engelmann,Uwe %A Schroeter,A %A Schwab,M %A Eisenmann,U %A Vetter,M %A Lorenz,K %A Quiles,J %A Wolf,I %A Evers,H %A Meinzer,HP %+ Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Abteilung mediziniscd and Biologische infatik, ImNeuenheimer Feld 280, D-69120海德堡,德国,U.Engelmann@DKFZ-Heidelberg.de远程放射学远程医疗远程会诊诊断成像计算机辅助图像解译PACS中间件TLS安全插件可视化远程放射学是远程医疗发展最快的领域之一,但系统兼容性是尚未解决的基本问题之一。DICOM(医学中的数字成像和通信)标准是一个先决条件,但并不是在所有方面都充分。其他目前尚未解决的问题包括同步电话会议中的安全和协作工作。没有DICOM放射工作站的用户将受益于无需任何特殊工具即可加入远程放射学网络的能力。许多远程放射学系统的缺点是它们的软件设计是单一的,不能适应实际用户的环境。现有的放射学系统目前无法使用额外的软件组件进行扩展。因此,每个新应用程序通常都需要一个具有不同外观的新工作站,必须将其连接并集成到现有的基础设施中。介绍了第二代远程放射学系统CHILI。该系统的设计既符合美国放射学会(ACR)的远程放射学要求,也符合用户的功能和可用性需求。软件开发人员和远程放射学用户参与了CHILI的前身MEDICUS临床使用的第一年的经验已被整合到一个新的设计中。 The system has been designed as a component-based architecture. The most powerful communication protocol for data exchange and teleconferencing is the CHILI protocol, which includes a strong data security concept. The system offers, in addition to its own secure protocol, several different communication methods: DICOM, classic e-mail, Remote Copy functions (RCP), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), the internet protocols HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) and HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure),and CD-ROMs for off-line communication. These transfer methods allow the user to send images to nearly anyone with a computer and a network. The drawbacks of the non-CHILI protocols are that teleconferences are not possible, and that the user must take reasonable precautions for data privacy and security.The CHILI PlugIn mechanism enables the users or third parties to extend the system capabilities by adding powerful image postprocessing functions or interfaces to other information systems. Suitable PlugIns can be either existing programs, or dedicated applications programmed with interfaces to the CHILI components. The developer may freely choose programming languages and interface toolkits.The CHILI architecture is a powerful and flexible environment for Picture Archiving and Communications Systems (PACS)and teleradiology. More than 40 systems are currently running in clinical routine in Germany. More than 300,000 images have been distributed among the communication partners in the last two years. Feedback and suggestions from the users influenced the system architecture by a great extent. The proposed and implemented system has been optimized to be as platform independent, open, and secure as possible. %M 11720917 %R 10.2196/jmir.1.2.e8 %U //www.mybigtv.com/1999/2/e8/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1.2.e8 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11720917