%0期刊文章%@ 1438- 8871% I JMIR出版物%V 19卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析% N 6% P e210% T医生谷歌是在这里停留,但卫生保健专业人员仍然有价值:医疗保健消费者互联网导航支持偏好分析%A Lee,Kenneth %A Hoti,Kreshnik %A Hughes,Jeffery David %A Emmerton,Lynne %+塔斯马尼亚大学医学院药学系,私人包26,霍巴特,7001,澳大利亚,61 362262191,kenneth.lee@utas.edu.au %K医疗保健%K信息寻求行为%K互联网%K慢性病%K患者%K调查%D 2017 %7 14.06.2017 %9原始论文%J J医疗互联网Res %G英文%X背景:互联网为消费者提供了了解自己健康状况的绝佳机会。然而,人们对其对传统保健消费者-保健专业人员关系的影响提出了担忧。我们最近对400名澳大利亚成年人的调查发现,超过一半的消费者需要某种形式的导航支持来查找适当的基于网络的健康信息。我们建议消费者更愿意接受保健专业人员提供的支持;这种偏好与用户是否需要导航支持无关。本文将对调查数据集进行二次分析,以量化用户报告的在浏览基于web的健康信息时的支持偏好和障碍。目的:我们旨在定量地确定消费者对定位基于web的健康信息的支持偏好,以及他们在浏览基于web的健康信息时的障碍。我们还旨在比较在定位基于web的健康信息时,确定需要和不需要支持的消费者之间的偏好和障碍。 Methods: Chi-square (χ2) tests identified whether each listed support preference differed between subgroups of consumers classified as needing (n=205, 51.3%) or not needing (n=195, 48.8%) navigational support; degree of association, via phi coefficient (φ) tests, were also considered to ascertain the likely practical significance of any differences. This was repeated for each listed barrier. Free-text responses regarding additional support preferences were descriptively analyzed and compared with the quantitative findings to provide a richer understanding of desired support for health information searches. Results: Of the 400 respondents, the most preferred mode of navigational support was involvement of health professionals; this was reported by participants identified as needing and not needing navigational support. While there was a significant difference between groups, the degree of association was small (χ21 [N=400]=13.2; P<.001; φ=.18). Qualitative data from the free-text responses supported consumers’ desire for health professional involvement. The two most commonly reported barriers when navigating desired Web-based health information were (1) volume of available information and (2) inconsistency of information between sources; these were reported by participants with and without a need for navigational support. While participants identified with a need for navigational support were more likely to report volume (χ21 [N=387]= 4.40; P=.04; φ=.11) and inconsistency of information (χ21 [N=387]= 16.10, P<.001, φ=.20) as barriers, the degrees of association were small to moderate. Conclusions: Despite concerns in the literature that the popularity of the Internet could compromise the health consumer-health professional relationship, our findings suggest the contrary. Our findings showed that health professionals were found to be the most commonly preferred mode of navigational support, even among consumers classified as not needing navigational support. Further research into how health professionals could assist consumers with Web-based health information seeking could strengthen the health consumer-health professional relationship amidst the growing use of “Dr Google.” %M 28615156 %R 10.2196/jmir.7489 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2017/6/e210/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.7489 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28615156