%0期刊文章@ 1438- 8871% I JMIR出版公司%V 17卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析% N 5% P e133% T疫苗劝说在线:两种Provaccine和两种对疫苗持怀疑态度的网站的定性研究Grant,Lenny, Hausman,Bernice, cascason,Margaret, Lucchesi,Nicholas, Patel,Kelsey, Roberts,Jonathan +疫苗研究小组,弗吉尼亚理工大学英语系,323 Shanks Hall (MC0112), 181 Turner St. NW, Blacksburg, VA, 24061,美国,1 540 231 6501,lenny@vt.edu %K疫苗接种%K传播%K互联网%K社交网络%K Web 2.0 %K定性研究%D 2015 %7 29.05.2015 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英文%X背景:当前对疫苗耐药性的关注经常将互联网作为疫苗争议的来源。大多数关于疫苗耐药性的在线学术研究使用定量方法来描述对疫苗持怀疑态度的网站上的错误信息。这些研究的发现有助于对这些网站的一般特征进行分类,但它们并不能深入了解为什么这些网站能够成功地说服他们的观众。迄今为止,很少有人试图定性地理解prov疫苗或疫苗怀疑网站的说服力特征。目的:本研究的目的是考察prov疫苗和疫苗怀疑网站的说服性特征。进行了定性分析,以产生关于这些网站的哪些特征对寻求疫苗接种和疫苗相关实践信息的人有说服力的假设。方法:本研究采用完全定性的案例研究方法,运用人类学的厚描述方法,对1个省级疫苗政府网站、1个省级疫苗医院网站、1个关注一般疫苗安全性的怀疑疫苗信息网站和1个关注特定疫苗的怀疑疫苗网站的修辞特征进行详细和仔细的审查。收集的数据分为5个领域:网站所有权、视觉和文本内容、用户体验、超链接和社交互动。 Results: The study found that the 2 provaccine websites analyzed functioned as encyclopedias of vaccine information. Both of the websites had relatively small digital ecologies because they only linked to government websites or websites that endorsed vaccination and evidence-based medicine. Neither of these websites offered visitors interactive features or made extensive use of the affordances of Web 2.0. The study also found that the 2 vaccine-skeptical websites had larger digital ecologies because they linked to a variety of vaccine-related websites, including government websites. They leveraged the affordances of Web 2.0 with their interactive features and digital media. Conclusions: By employing a rhetorical framework, this study found that the provaccine websites analyzed concentrate on the accurate transmission of evidence-based scientific research about vaccines and government-endorsed vaccination-related practices, whereas the vaccine-skeptical websites focus on creating communities of people affected by vaccines and vaccine-related practices. From this personal framework, these websites then challenge the information presented in scientific literature and government documents. At the same time, the vaccine-skeptical websites in this study are repositories of vaccine information and vaccination-related resources. Future studies on vaccination and the Internet should take into consideration the rhetorical features of provaccine and vaccine-skeptical websites and further investigate the influence of Web 2.0 community-building features on people seeking information about vaccine-related practices. %M 26024907 %R 10.2196/jmir.4153 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2015/5/e133/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.4153 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26024907