JMIR出版公司。基于网络的阿尔茨海默病患者非正式照护者心理教育项目[卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析j]一项试点随机对照试验%A Cristancho-Lacroix,Victoria %A Wrobel, jsamuise %A Cantegreil-Kallen,Inge %A Dub, timothsamuise %A Rouquette,Alexandra %A Rigaud,Anne-Sophie %+援助公共机构- Hôpitaux巴黎老年病学部门,Hôpital Broca,帕斯卡街54-56号,巴黎,75013,法国,33 33144083351, %K家庭照护者%K心理教育%K eHealth %K阿尔茨海默病%K情绪压力%K质性研究%K互联网%K随机对照试验%D 2015 %7 2015年12月5日原创论文%J J医学互联网研究%G英语%X背景:虽然有几个面对面的项目专门针对痴呆症患者的非正式照护者,但这些项目并不总是适用于负担过重或孤立的照护者。基于面对面的干预程序,我们改编并设计了一个基于网络的全自动心理教育程序(称为Diapason),灵感来自认知方法。目的:本研究旨在通过一项非盲随机对照试验评估基于混合方法研究设计的基于网络的阿尔茨海默病(PWAD)非正式照护者心理教育计划的有效性和可接受性。方法:我们在法国巴黎的一家日托中心招募并随机分配了49名PWAD的非正式护理人员。他们要么接受基于网络的干预和常规护理3个月(实验组,n=25),要么只接受常规护理(对照组,n=24)。护理者的感知压力(PSS-14,主要结果)、自我效能、负担、感知健康状况和抑郁(次要结果)在3次面对面的现场访问中进行测量:基线时、项目结束时(第3个月)和随访后(第6个月)。此外,在第6个月对实验组护理者进行半结构化访谈,并进行主题分析。结果:意向治疗分析显示实验组和对照组在自我感知应激方面无显著差异(P= 0.98)。实验组患者对该病的认识明显提高(d=。79, P= 0.008),从基线到第3个月。 Of the 25 participants allocated to the experimental group, 17 (71%) finished the protocol and entirely viewed at least 10 of 12 online sessions. On average, participants used the website 19.72 times (SD 12.88) and were connected for 262.20 minutes (SD 270.74). The results of the satisfaction questionnaire showed that most participants considered the program to be useful (95%, 19/20), clear (100%, 20/20), and comprehensive (85%, 17/20). Significant correlations were found between relationship and caregivers’ program opinion (P=.01). Thus, positive opinions were provided by husbands and sons (3/3), whereas qualified opinions were primarily reported by daughters (8/11). Female spouses expressed negative (2/3) or neutral opinions (1/3). Caregivers expected more dynamic content and further interaction with staff and peers. Conclusions: In this study, quantitative results were inconclusive owing to small sample size. Qualitative results indicated/showed little acceptance of the program and high expectations from caregivers. Caregivers did not rule out their interest in this kind of intervention provided that it met their needs. More dynamic, personalized, and social interventions are desirable. Our recruitment issues pointed out the necessity of in-depth studies about caregivers’ help-seeking behaviors and readiness factors. Trial Registration: NCT01430286; (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation/6KxHaRspL). %M 25967983 %R 10.2196/jmir.3717 %U // %U %U