JMIR Publications Inc. e - Health门户卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析网站对医疗保健专业人员与患者互动的影响:定性研究%A Das,Anita %A Faxvaag,Arild %A svanas,Dag %+神经科学系,挪威科技大学,特隆赫姆,7491,挪威,47 97599434, %K减肥手术%K在线交流%K eHealth %K患者%K医疗保健%K Web 2.0 %D 2015 %7 24.11.2015 %9原创论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:接受减肥手术的人需要一个全面的治疗方案来获得成功的结果。电子卫生解决方案,如安全在线门户,为改善卫生保健提供和护理创造了新的机会,但依赖于组织提供系统和提供该系统的卫生保健专业人员。到目前为止,这些问题受到的关注有限,电子健康解决方案的总体采用率仍然很低。在这项研究中,一个安全的电子健康门户在一个减肥手术诊所实施,并提供给他们的病人。在为期6个月的研究期间,60名患者和5名卫生保健专业人员获得了访问。该门户包括患者信息、自我管理工具以及与减肥外科诊所的同行和医疗保健提供者进行在线对话的通信功能。目的:本研究的目的是描述和评估电子健康门户网站对医疗保健专业人员与减肥手术患者互动的影响。方法:这个定性的案例研究涉及一个实地研究,包括在临床的情境访谈,包括观察和交谈的人员在他们的实际工作环境。 Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with health care professionals who interacted with patients through the portal. Analysis of the collected material was done inductively using thematic analysis. Results: The analysis revealed two main dimensions of using an eHealth portal in bariatric surgery: the transparency it represents and the responsibility that follows by providing it. The professionals reported the eHealth portal as (1) a source of information, (2) a gateway to approach and facilitate the patients, (3) a medium for irrevocable postings, (4) a channel that exposes responsibility and competence, and (5) a tool in the clinic. Conclusions: By providing an eHealth portal to patients in a bariatric surgery program, health care professionals can observe patients’ writings and revelations thereby capturing patient challenges and acting and implementing measures. Interacting with patients through the portal can prevent dropouts and deterioration of patients’ health. However, professionals report on organizational challenges and personal constraints related to communicating with patients in writing online. Further development of guidelines and education of health care professionals about how to handle, prioritize, communicate, and facilitate patients online is required in addition to increased attention to the organizational infrastructures and incentives for enabling such solutions in health care. %M 26601678 %R 10.2196/jmir.4950 %U // %U %U