杂志文章@ 14388871 % JMIR出版物有限公司V 16% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N 4% P 109% T与持续使用免费移动应用程序有关的因素,用于饮食自我监测与摄影和同行反馈:回顾性队列研究%A Helander,Elina %A Kaipainen,Kirsikka %A Korhonen,Ilkka %A Wansink,Brian %+信号处理系,坦佩雷理工大学,Korkeakoulunkatu 1,坦佩雷,芬兰,358 4317579,elina.helander@tut.fi %K健康饮食%K食品日志%K食品摄影%K坚持%K移动应用%K自我监测%K同行反馈%K控制理论%D 2014 %7 15.04.2014 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:使用自我监控和反馈等行为改变技术的健康饮食干预措施具有更强的效果。移动应用程序可以通过摄影方便地进行饮食自我监测,并有可能覆盖大量人群。目的:这项研究的目的是评估与持续使用免费移动应用程序(“The Eatery”)相关的因素,该应用程序通过饮食自我监测和同行反馈来促进健康饮食。方法:对2011年10月至2012年4月期间下载并至少使用过一次应用程序的189,770人的样本进行了回顾性分析。依从性的定义是基于自我监测的频率和持续时间。拍过一张以上照片的人被归为“用户”,拍过一张或没有照片的人被归为“退出者”。拍摄了至少10张照片并使用该应用程序至少一周的用户被归类为“活跃用户”,拥有2-9张照片的用户被归类为“半活跃用户”,只有一张照片的用户被归类为“非活跃用户”。研究人员检查了依从性、注册时间、饮食偏好和同伴反馈之间的关系。 Changes in healthiness ratings over time were analyzed among Actives. Results: Overall adherence was low—only 2.58% (4895/189,770) used the app actively. The day of week and time of day the app was initially used was associated with adherence, where 20.28% (5237/25,820) of Users had started using the app during the daytime on weekdays, in comparison to 15.34% (24,718/161,113) of Dropouts. Users with strict diets were more likely to be Active (14.31%, 900/6291) than those who had not defined any diet (3.99%, 742/18,590), said they ate everything (9.47%, 3040/32,090), or reported some other diet (11.85%, 213/1798) (χ23=826.6, P<.001). The average healthiness rating from peers for the first picture was higher for Active users (0.55) than for Semi-actives (0.52) or Non-actives (0.49) (F2,58167=225.9, P<.001). Actives wrote more often a textual description for the first picture than Semi-actives or Non-actives (χ22=3515.1, P<.001). Feedback beyond ratings was relatively infrequent: 3.83% (15,247/398,228) of pictures received comments and 15.39% (61,299/398,228) received “likes” from other users. Actives were more likely to have at least one comment or one “like” for their pictures than Semi-actives or Non-actives (χ22=343.6, P<.001, and χ22=909.6, P<.001, respectively). Only 9.89% (481/4863) of Active users had a positive trend in their average healthiness ratings. Conclusions: Most people who tried out this free mobile app for dietary self-monitoring did not continue using it actively and those who did may already have been healthy eaters. Hence, the societal impact of such apps may remain small if they fail to reach those who would be most in need of dietary changes. Incorporating additional self-regulation techniques such as goal-setting and intention formation into the app could potentially increase user engagement and promote sustained use. %M 24735567 %R 10.2196/jmir.3084 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2014/4/e109/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.3084 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24735567