杂志文章%@ 14388871 %I JMIR出版公司V 15% N卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 12% P e270% T莫名其妙的在线游戏(BAM-COG):老年人认知能力在线自我监测的可靠性、有效性和可行性,Teun %A Baars,Maria A E %A Olde Rikkert,Marcel G M %A Kessels,Roy P C %+内梅亨大学医学中心老年医学系,Reinier Postlaan 4,奈梅亨,6500 HB,荷兰,31 243619807,teun.aalbers@radboudumc.nl %K认知测试%K脑老化%K游戏%K有效性%K可靠性%K自我监测%K互联网%K eHealth %D 2013 %7 03.12.2013 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:在线干预越来越多地针对认知结果测量,但到目前为止,还没有简单快速的认知自我监测被验证或证明可靠和可行。目的:研究一种名为脑老化监测-认知评估电池(BAM-COG)的新仪器的替代形式信度、面孔和内容效度以及收敛和发散效度。此外,还提供了参考值。方法:BAM-COG由四个简单,简短,但具有挑战性的益智游戏组成,这些游戏被开发用于测量工作记忆(“传送带”),视觉空间短期记忆(“阳光”),情景识别记忆(“观点”)和计划(“纸草”)。这项研究共招募了641名参与者。其中,397名40岁及以上的成年人(平均54.9,标准差9.6)符合分析条件。研究参与者把所有的游戏都玩了三次,两次游戏间隔14天。面部和内容有效性基于专家意见。 Alternate forms reliability (AFR) was measured by comparing scores on different versions of the BAM-COG and expressed with an intraclass correlation (ICC: two-way mixed; consistency at 95%). Convergent validity (CV) was provided by comparing BAM-COG scores to gold-standard paper-and-pencil and computer-assisted cognitive assessment. Divergent validity (DV) was measured by comparing BAM-COG scores to the National Adult Reading Test IQ (NART-IQ) estimate. Both CV and DV are expressed as Spearman rho correlation coefficients. Results: Three out of four games showed adequate results on AFR, CV, and DV measures. The games Conveyer Belt, Sunshine, and Papyrinth have AFR ICCs of .420, .426, and .645 respectively. Also, these games had good to very good CV correlations: rho=.577 (P=.001), rho=.669 (P<.001), and rho=.400 (P=.04), respectively. Last, as expected, DV correlations were low: rho=−.029 (P=.44), rho=−.029 (P=.45), and rho=−.134 (P=.28) respectively. The game Viewpoint provided less desirable results with an AFR ICC of .167, CV rho=.202 (P=.15), and DV rho=−.162 (P=.21). Conclusions: This study provides evidence for the use of the BAM-COG test battery as a feasible, reliable, and valid tool to monitor cognitive performance in healthy adults in an online setting. Three out of four games have good psychometric characteristics to measure working memory, visuospatial short-term memory, and planning capacity. %M 24300212 %R 10.2196/jmir.2860 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2013/12/e270/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.2860 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24300212