期刊文章JMIR出版公司网络空间中真实空间事件和信息的复杂关系:卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析使用推文%A Nagel,Anna C %A Tsou,Ming-Hsiang %A Spitzberg,Brian H %A An,Li %A Gawron,J Mark %A Gupta,Dipak K %A Yang,Jiue-An %A Han,Su %A Peddecord,K Michael %A Lindsay,Suzanne %A Sawyer,Mark H %+地理系,圣地亚哥州立大学,Storm Hall #326, 5500 Campanile博士,美国圣地亚哥,92182,1 619 594 0205mtsou@mail.sdsu.edu %K推特%K信息流行病学%K网络空间%K综合征监测%K流感%K百日咳%D 2013 %7 26.10.2013 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英文%X背景:监测在疾病检测中起着至关重要的作用,但传统的收集患者数据、向卫生官员报告和编写报告的方法成本高、耗时长。近年来,综合征监测工具得到了扩展,研究人员能够以最低的成本利用互联网上的实时海量数据。信息监控有很多数据源,但本研究主要关注Twitter微博网站的状态更新(tweet)。目的:本研究的目的是探索网络空间信息活动(通过关键字特定推文测量)与现实世界流感和百日咳发生之间的相互作用。推文按周汇总,并与每周的流感样疾病(ILI)和每周的百日咳发病率进行比较。通过将推文分类为4类:不转发推文、转发推文、带有URL网址的推文和没有URL网址的推文,分析了推文类型的潜在影响。方法:收集11个美国城市17英里半径内的推文,这些城市是根据人口规模和疾病数据的可用性选择的。流感分析涉及所有11个城市。 Pertussis analysis was based on the 2 cities nearest to the Washington State pertussis outbreak (Seattle, WA and Portland, OR). Tweet collection resulted in 161,821 flu, 6174 influenza, 160 pertussis, and 1167 whooping cough tweets. The correlation coefficients between tweets or subgroups of tweets and disease occurrence were calculated and trends were presented graphically. Results: Correlations between weekly aggregated tweets and disease occurrence varied greatly, but were relatively strong in some areas. In general, correlation coefficients were stronger in the flu analysis compared to the pertussis analysis. Within each analysis, flu tweets were more strongly correlated with ILI rates than influenza tweets, and whooping cough tweets correlated more strongly with pertussis incidence than pertussis tweets. Nonretweets correlated more with disease occurrence than retweets, and tweets without a URL Web address correlated better with actual incidence than those with a URL Web address primarily for the flu tweets. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that not only does keyword choice play an important role in how well tweets correlate with disease occurrence, but that the subgroup of tweets used for analysis is also important. This exploratory work shows potential in the use of tweets for infoveillance, but continued efforts are needed to further refine research methods in this field. %M 24158773 %R 10.2196/jmir.2705 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2013/10/e237/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.2705 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24158773