%0期刊文章%@ 1438- 8871% I Gunther Eysenbach %V 14% N 3% P e61% T西欧医院使用社交媒体:纵向研究A Van de Belt,Tom H %A Berben,Sivera AA %A Samsom,Melvin %A Engelen,Lucien JLPG %A Schoonhoven,Lisette +内梅亨大学奈梅亨医学中心,1楼,St Annastraat 299,奈梅亨,6512 GT,荷兰,31 24 7440083,t.vandebelt@reshape.umcn.nl %K社交媒体%K健康2.0 %K医疗2.0 %K电子健康%K参与式医疗%K患者赋权%K Web 2.0 %K以患者为中心的护理%D 2012 %7 01.05.2012 %9原始论文%J J医疗互联网Res %G英语%X背景:患者越来越多地使用社交媒体进行交流。他们的故事可以支持提高参与式医疗保健的质量,并支持以病人为中心的护理。卫生保健机构积极使用社交媒体还可以加快与患者及其家属的沟通和信息提供,从而进一步提高质量。医院似乎开始意识到社交媒体所能带来的好处。来自美国的数据显示,医院越来越多地使用社交媒体,但尚不清楚西欧医院是否以及如何使用社交媒体。目的:了解西欧医院使用社交媒体的程度。方法:在这项纵向研究中,我们通过互联网搜索探索了12个西欧国家的医院对社交媒体的使用情况。我们在以下三个时间段收集了每个国家的数据:2009年4月至8月、2010年8月至12月和2011年4月至7月。 Results: We included 873 hospitals from 12 Western European countries, of which 732 were general hospitals and 141 were university hospitals. The number of included hospitals per country ranged from 6 in Luxembourg to 347 in Germany. We found hospitals using social media in all countries. The use of social media increased significantly over time, especially for YouTube (n = 19, 2% to n = 172, 19.7%), LinkedIn (n =179, 20.5% to n = 278, 31.8%), and Facebook (n = 85, 10% to n = 585, 67.0%). Differences in social media usage between the included countries were significant. Conclusions: Social media awareness in Western European hospitals is growing, as well as its use. Social media usage differs significantly between countries. Except for the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, the group of hospitals that is using social media remains small. Usage of LinkedIn for recruitment shows the awareness of the potential of social media. Future research is needed to investigate how social media lead to improved health care. %M 22549016 %R 10.2196/jmir.1992 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2012/3/e61/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1992 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22549016