%0杂志文章%@ 1438- 8871% I Gunther Eysenbach %V 14% N 1% P e17% T年轻人对心理健康有什么看法?网络博客分析%A Marcus,Madalyn A %A Westra,Henny A %A Eastwood,John D %A Barnes,Kirsten L %A +约克大学心理学系,多伦多Keele街4700号,ON, M3J 1P3,加拿大,1 416 736 2100 ext 33706, madalyn@yorku.ca %K年轻人%K心理健康%K心理健康服务%K生活经历%K博客%K定性研究%D 2012 %7 30.01.2012 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:尽管心理健康问题普遍存在,但很少有年轻人获得治疗。虽然很多研究都集中在了解获得服务的障碍上,但很少有研究对有心理健康问题的年轻人的经历进行了公正的描述。正是通过听取这些经验并深入了解年轻人所说的话,才能改进以增加获得保健为重点的干预措施。目的:超越过去的研究,使用创新的定性研究方法分析年轻人(18-25岁)的博客与心理健康问题,以了解他们的经历。方法:我们使用一种增强型互联网搜索工具DEVONagent,利用与心理健康相关的主要关键词提取互联网博客。博客(N = 8)根据作者年龄(18-25岁)、性别、与心理健康的相关性以及条目的最近时间进行选择。本文采用扎根理论与共识定性研究相结合的方法对博客摘录进行分析。结果:从对博主账户的定性分析中出现了两个核心类别:我无能为力(内在)和我完全孤独(人际)。 Overall, the young adult bloggers expressed significant feelings of powerlessness as a result of their mental health concerns and simultaneously felt a profound sense of loneliness, alienation, and lack of connection with others. Conclusions: The present study suggests that one reason young adults do not seek care might be that they view the mental health system negatively and feel disconnected from these services. To decrease young adults’ sense of powerlessness and isolation, efforts should focus on creating and developing resources and services that allow young adults to feel connected and empowered. Through an understanding of the experiences of young adults with mental health problems, and their experiences of and attitudes toward receiving care, we provide some recommendations for improving receptivity and knowledge of mental health care services. %M 22569642 %R 10.2196/jmir.1868 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2012/1/e17/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1868 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22569642