杂志文章%@ 1438-8871 I Gunther Eysenbach %V 12 %N 2 %P 24 %T通过第二代量身定制的健康传播预防肥胖流行:%A Enwald,Heidi Päivyt Karoliina %A Huotari,Maija-Leena Aulikki %+芬兰语,信息研究和逻辑医学,奥卢大学人文学院卓越研究中心,邮箱1000,奥卢,FI-90014,芬兰,358 8 553 3351,maija-leena.huotari@oulu.fi %K健康传播%K健康促进%K干预研究%K量身定制的干预%K定制%K基于计算机的交付%K互联网%K健康行为改变%K肥胖%K公共健康%D 2010 %7 28.06.2010 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:预防肥胖和与肥胖相关的健康问题是世界范围内的主要挑战。在个人层面使用电子保健通信和定制通过互联网传递的信息可能会提高干预措施的有效性。掌握与营养、身体活动和体重管理相关的行为是预防肥胖的主要问题,这一领域对跨学科知识的需要是显而易见的。目的:目的是回顾关于量身定制的健康沟通的文献,并对旨在营养、身体活动或体重管理方面的行为改变的“第二代”量身定制干预研究进行跨学科分析。方法:对主要的健康传播电子信息源进行文献检索。确定了选择标准,选择了23项干预研究。内容分析主要集中在以下方面:研究设计、行为改变的目标、目标群体、样本量、研究长度、流失率、应用的理论、干预设计、基于计算机的渠道、从裁剪角度来看的统计显著性结果以及研究可能存在的偏差。然而,这不是一个结构化的元分析,不能复制。 Results: Of the 23 studies, 21 were randomized controlled trials, and all focused on behavior change: 10 studies focused on behavior change in nutrition, 7 on physical activity, 2 on nutrition and physical activity, and 4 on weight management. The target groups and the number of participants varied: 8 studies included more than 500 participants, and 6 studies included less than 100. Most studies were short; the duration of 20 studies was 6 months or less. The Transtheoretical Model was applied in 14 of the 23 studies, and feedback as a tailoring mechanism was used in addition to an Internet site (or program) in 15 studies and in addition to email in 11 studies. Self-reporting was used in 15 studies, and 14 studies did not have a no-information control group. Tailoring was more effective in nutrition interventions than in physical activity and weight management interventions. The outcomes were mixed or negative in 4 studies of physical activity interventions and in 3 studies of weight management. The use of a no-information control group seemed to have been linked to statistically significant between-group effects in measuring physical activity. This bias effect related to intervention design may explain the differences in the outcomes of the physical activity studies. Conclusions: Tailoring was shown to have been an effective method in nutrition interventions, but the results for physical activity were mixed, which is in line with previous studies. Nevertheless, the effect of possible biases, such as relying solely on self-reports and on intervention design without a no-information control group, should not be underestimated. Thus, the issue of bias merits more attention in planning interventions and in future meta-analyses. %M 20584698 %R 10.2196/jmir.1409 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2010/2/e24/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1409 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20584698