杂志文章@ 1438-8871 %I Gunther Eysenbach %V 11% N 2% P 22% T糖尿病公告栏的写作内容和频率:种族有影响吗?%, %索伯汉Jernigan, Valarie %加德纳,Audra % Ritter,菲利普%希尼,凯瑟琳% Lorig,凯特R % +斯坦福大学,韦尔奇路1000号,204套房,帕洛阿尔托,加州94304年美国+ 1 650 723 7935,lorig@stanford.edu % K自我管理% K比赛% K互联网% K病人教育% K糖尿病% D原始论文7 24.6.2009 % 9 2009% % J J互联网Res % G英语% X背景:糖尿病引起的差异是有据可查的少数族裔群体在美国。在线课程在缩小这些差距方面具有巨大潜力。然而,人们对不同种族的人如何在这样的群体中利用和交流知之甚少。这种类型的研究是必要的,以确保在线课程响应不同人群的需求。目的:本探索性研究调查互联网糖尿病自我管理计划(IDSMP)中各种族公告栏的信息频率和内容。我们问了两个问题:(1)不同种族的参与者使用公告栏的频率是否不同?(2)信息、内容和沟通方式是否因种族而异?如果有,怎么做?方法:研究对象是从正在进行的IDSMP有效性研究的参与者中进行有目的的抽样。 All subjects had completed a 6-week intervention that included the opportunity to use four diabetes-specific bulletin boards. The sample (N = 45) consisted of three groups of 15 participants, each who self-identified as American Indian or Alaskan Native (AI/AN), African American (AA), or Caucasian, and was stratified by gender, age, and education. Utilization was assessed by counting the number of messages per participant and the range of days of participation. Messages were coded blindly for message type, content, and communication style. Data were analyzed using descriptive and nonparametric statistics. Results: In assessing board utilization, AAs wrote fewer overall messages (P = .02) and AIs/ANs wrote fewer action planning posts (P = .05) compared with Caucasians. AIs/ANs logged in to the program for a shorter time period than Caucasians (P = .04). For message content, there were no statistical (P ≤ .05) differences among groups in message type. No differences were found in message content between AAs and Caucasians, but AIs/ANs differed in content from both other groups. Caucasians wrote more on food behaviors than AIs/ANs (P = .01), and AIs/ANs wrote more about physical activity than Caucasians (P = .05) and about walking than the other two groups (P = .01). There were no differences in communication style. Conclusions: Although Caucasians utilized the boards more than the other two groups, there were few differences in message type, content, or style. Since participation in bulletin boards is largely blind to race, age, gender, and other characteristics, it is not clear if finding few differences was due to this optional anonymity or because non-Caucasian participants assumed that they were communicating with Caucasians. If the low variability between racial groups indicates that the IDSMP is flexible enough to meet the needs of multiple racial groups, then online programs may be an accessible and effective tool to reduce health disparities. These questions need to be investigated in future studies. Trial Registration: Parent trials: Clinicaltrials.gov NCT00372463 and NCT00185601; http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00372463 and http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00185601 (archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/5hm2g0AeX and http://www.webcitation.org/5hm2i4XVw) %M 19632975 %R 10.2196/jmir.1153 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2009/2/e22/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1153 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19632975