@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/38449,作者=“Berger, Matthew N和Taba, Melody和Marino, Jennifer L和Lim, Megan S C和Skinner, S Rachel”,标题=“社交媒体使用与女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋、变性和酷儿青年的健康和福祉:系统综述”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2022”,月=“Sep”,日=“21”,卷=“24”,数=“9”,页=“e38449”,关键词=“女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋、变性和酷儿;同性恋群体;青春期;青春;幸福;心理健康;社交媒体;的身份;支持;摘要=“背景:女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋、变性人和酷儿(LGBTQ)人群的心理健康和幸福感较差的风险较高。 Social media platforms can provide LGBTQ youths with a space that counters heteronormative environments and potentially supports mental health and well-being. Mental health includes an individual's state of psychological and emotional well-being and not merely the absence of mental disorders. Objective: We sought to identify how LGBTQ youths and adolescents use social media for connection with other LGBTQ peers and groups, identity development, and social support and how these affect mental health and well-being. Methods: PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) procedures were used to guide this review. Searches were conducted in ACM Digital Library, CINAHL, Ovid Embase, Ovid MEDLINE, and Web of Science in March 2021. This review focused on LGBTQ youths aged 10 to 24 years. Included peer-reviewed studies must comprise social media; explore peer connection, identity development, or social support; and be published from 2012 onward. In total, 2 researchers extracted data and performed quality assessments independently using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale for quantitative articles and the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme for qualitative articles. Qualitative synthesis was performed on articles that satisfied the eligibility criteria. Results: A total of 26 studies (n=15, 58{\%} qualitative; n=8, 31{\%} quantitative; n=3, 12{\%} mixed methods) met the inclusion criteria. Of the 8 quantitative studies, 6 (75{\%}) were cross-sectional, and 2 (25{\%}) were cohort studies. All studies ranged from moderate to high quality. Social media was a popular tool used by LGBTQ youths to connect with LGBTQ communities. In qualitative data, we found that LGBTQ youths negotiated and explored identity and obtained support from peers on social media. Instagram, Tumblr, and Twitter were commonly used to access LGBTQ content owing to ease of anonymity. Identity management was the most studied social media affordance, important to LGBTQ youths for strategic disclosure. Key strategies for managing identities included being anonymous, censoring locations or content, restricting audiences, and using multiple accounts. Quantitative studies (3/8, 38{\%}) showed that social media was associated with reduced mental health concerns and increased well-being among LGBTQ youths. Mental health concerns arising from social media use were attributed to discrimination, victimization, and policies that did not accommodate changed identities. Conclusions: We found that social media may support the mental health and well-being of LGBTQ youths through peer connection, identity management, and social support, but findings were limited by weaknesses in the evidence. More robust and longitudinal studies are needed to determine the relationship between social media use and LGBTQ mental health, particularly among adolescents. The findings may inform interventions to promote social media health literacy and the mental health and well-being of this vulnerable group. Trial Registration: PROSPERO CRD42020222535; https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display{\_}record.php?RecordID=222535 ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/38449", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2022/9/e38449", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/38449", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36129741" }