@文章{info:doi/10.2196/33399,作者=“Tseng, Chinyang Henry和Chen, Ray-Jade和Tsai, shangyu - yu和Wu, Tsung-Ren和Tsaur, woeijiunn和Chiu, Hung-Wen和Yang, Cheng-Yi和Lo, Yu-Sheng”,标题=“探索COVID-19大流行作为台湾患者健康记录应用程序用户行为变化的一个Catalyst: Development and Usability Study”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2022”,月=“Jan”,日=“6”,卷=“24”,数=“1”,页=“e33399”,关键词=“个人健康记录;COVID-19;我的健康银行;区块链;背景:在COVID-19大流行期间,个人健康记录(PHRs)使患者无需前往医院就能监测和管理自己的医疗数据,从而将感染风险降至最低。台湾国家健康保险局(NHIA)推出了我的健康银行(MHB)服务,这是一个全国性的PHR系统,参保个人可以通过它访问他们的跨医院医疗数据。此外,2019年,NHIA发布了MHB软件开发工具包(SDK),允许开发移动应用程序,投保人可以使用这些应用程序检索他们的MHB数据。然而,NHIA MHB服务有其局限性,被保险人的参与率很低。目的:我们旨在将MHB SDK与我们开发的支持区块链的PHR移动应用程序集成,使患者能够访问、存储和管理他们的跨医院PHR数据。我们还收集和分析了应用程序的日志数据,以检查患者在COVID-19大流行期间使用MHB的情况。 Methods: We integrated our existing blockchain-enabled mobile app with the MHB SDK to enable NHIA MHB data retrieval. The app utilizes blockchain technology to encrypt the downloaded NHIA MHB data. Existing and new indexes can be synchronized between the app and blockchain nodes, and high security can be achieved for PHR management. Finally, we analyzed the app's access logs to compare patients' activities during high and low COVID-19 infection periods. Results: We successfully integrated the MHB SDK into our mobile app, thereby enabling patients to retrieve their cross-hospital medical data, particularly those related to COVID-19 rapid and polymerase chain reaction testing and vaccination information and progress. We retrospectively collected the app's log data for the period of July 2019 to June 2021. From January 2020, the preliminary results revealed a steady increase in the number of people who applied to create a blockchain account for access to their medical data and the number of app subscribers among patients who visited the outpatient department (OPD) and emergency department (ED). Notably, for patients who visited the OPD and ED, the peak proportions with respect to the use of the app for OPD and ED notes and laboratory test results also increased year by year. The highest proportions were 52.40{\%} for ED notes in June 2021, 88.10{\%} for ED laboratory test reports in May 2021, 34.61{\%} for OPD notes in June 2021, and 41.87{\%} for OPD laboratory test reports in June 2021. These peaks coincided with Taiwan's local COVID-19 outbreak lasting from May to June 2021. Conclusions: This study developed a blockchain-enabled mobile app, which can periodically retrieve and integrate PHRs from the NHIA MHB's cross-hospital data and the investigated hospital's self-pay medical data. Analysis of users' access logs revealed that the COVID-19 pandemic substantially increased individuals' use of PHRs and their health awareness with respect to COVID-19 prevention. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/33399", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2022/1/e33399", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/33399", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34951863" }