@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/25899,作者=“Pecina, Jennifer L和Nigon, Leah M和Penza, Kristine S和Murray, Martha A和Kronebusch, Beckie J和Miller, Nathaniel E和Jensen, Teresa B”,标题=“使用McIsaac评分预测A组链球菌咽炎在门诊护士电话分诊和电子就诊与面对面就诊的比较:回顾性观察研究”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2021”,月=“12”,日=“20”,卷=“23”,数=“12”,页数=“e25899”,关键词=“链球菌性咽炎;e-visit;电子访问;远程医疗;telecare;虚拟访问;McIssac分数;护士电话分诊;评分系统; sore throat; group A streptococcus; telehealth; nurse; phone; triage", abstract="Background: The McIsaac criteria are a validated scoring system used to determine the likelihood of an acute sore throat being caused by group A streptococcus (GAS) to stratify patients who need strep testing. Objective: We aim to compare McIsaac criteria obtained during face-to-face (f2f) and non-f2f encounters. Methods: This retrospective study compared the percentage of positive GAS tests by McIsaac score for scores calculated during nurse protocol phone encounters, e-visits (electronic visits), and in person f2f clinic visits. Results: There was no difference in percentages of positive strep tests between encounter types for any of the McIsaac scores. There were significantly more phone and e-visit encounters with any missing score components compared with f2f visits. For individual score components, there were significantly fewer e-visits missing fever and cough information compared with phone encounters and f2f encounters. F2f encounters were significantly less likely to be missing descriptions of tonsils and lymphadenopathy compared with phone and e-visit encounters. McIsaac scores of 4 had positive GAS rates of 55{\%} to 68{\%} across encounter types. There were 4 encounters not missing any score components with a McIsaac score of 0. None of these 4 encounters had a positive GAS test. Conclusions: McIsaac scores of 4 collected during non-f2f care could be used to consider empiric treatment for GAS without testing if significant barriers to testing exist such as the COVID-19 pandemic or geographic barriers. Future studies should evaluate further whether non-f2f encounters with McIsaac scores of 0 can be safely excluded from GAS testing. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/25899", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2021/12/e25899", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/25899", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34932016" }