@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/19338,作者=“Hassounah, Marwah和Raheel, Hafsa和Alhefzi, Mohammed”,标题=“沙特阿拉伯COVID-19大流行期间的数字应对”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2020”,月=“9”,日=“1”,卷=“22”,号=“9”,页=“e19338”,关键词=“数字应对”;COVID-19;沙特阿拉伯;数字健康;控制;公共卫生;大流行;背景:2020年3月3日,沙特确诊首例新冠肺炎病例。与世界上许多其他国家一样,沙特阿拉伯为应对疫情封锁了大多数公共和私营服务,并在全国范围内制定了人口流动限制。随着这些严格的缓解条例的实施,技术和数字解决方案使提供基本服务成为可能。 Objective: The aim of this paper is to highlight how Saudi Arabia has used digital technology during the COVID-19 pandemic in the domains of public health, health care services, education, telecommunication, commerce, and risk communication. Methods: We documented the use of digital technology in Saudi Arabia during the pandemic using publicly available official announcements, press briefings and releases, news clips, published data, peer-reviewed literature, and professional discussions. Results: Saudi Arabia's government and private sectors combined developed and launched approximately 19 apps and platforms that serve public health functions and provide health care services. A detailed account of each is provided. Education processes continued using an established electronic learning infrastructure with a promising direction toward wider adoption in the future. Telecommunication companies exhibited smooth collaboration as well as innovative initiatives to support ongoing efforts. Risk communication activities using social media, websites, and SMS text messaging followed best practice guides. Conclusions: The Saudi Vision 2030 framework, released in 2017, has paved the path for digital transformation. COVID-19 enabled the promotion and testing of this transition. In Saudi Arabia, the use of artificial intelligence in integrating different data sources during future outbreaks could be further explored. Also, decreasing the number of mobile apps and merging their functions could increase and facilitate their use. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/19338", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2020/9/e19338", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/19338", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32790642" }