@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/16281,作者="Maitz, Emanuel和Maitz, Katharina和Sendlhofer, Gerald和Wolfsberger, Christina和Mautner, Selma和Kamolz, ras - peter和Gasteiger-Klicpera, Barbara",标题="基于互联网的健康信息——12至14岁学生的寻求行为:混合方法研究",期刊="J Med Internet Res",年="2020",月="5",日="26",卷="22",数="5",页="e16281",关键词="基于互联网的健康信息——寻求行为;电子健康素养;儿童和青少年;背景:许多儿童和青少年被智能手机、平板电脑和电脑包围着,他们知道如何在互联网上搜索几乎任何信息。然而,他们中很少有人知道如何从可靠的来源中选择适当的信息。当涉及健康问题时,这可能会成为一个问题,在这个问题上,识别不正确或误导性的信息至关重要。对青少年来说,批判性地评估关于健康问题的数字信息的能力越来越重要。目的:本研究的目的是评估儿童和青少年如何评价他们基于互联网的健康素养,以及他们的实际素养与他们的评分有何不同。此外,还有一个问题是关于他们的搜索表现如何与自我效能感相关。为了评估这些问题,研究人员对他们访问的网站的质量进行了基于标准的分析。 Finally, the possibility to increase their internet-based health literacy in a 3-day workshop was explored. Methods: A workshop with a focus on health literacy was attended by 14 children and adolescents in an Austrian secondary school. After prior assessments (Culture Fair Intelligence Test, revised German version; Reading Speed and Reading Comprehension Test for Grades 6 to 12, German; electronic health literacy scale [eHEALS]; and General Self-Efficacy Scale, Reversed Version, German), the students were asked to perform an internet-based search on a health-related issue. Browser histories and screenshots of all internet searches were gathered, clustered, and analyzed. After the workshop, the health literacy of the students was assessed again by using the eHEALS. Results: The 14 students opened a total of 85 homepages, but only eight of these homepages were rated as good or fair by two experts (independent rating) based on specific criteria. The analysis showed that the students judged their own internet-based health literacy much higher than the actual value, and students who had rated themselves better did not visit websites of high quality. Internet-based health literacy correlated significantly with the self-efficacy of the students (rs=0.794, P=.002). Conclusions: Our study showed that it is possible to draw the attention of students to critical aspects of internet search and to slightly improve their search competence in a workshop. Targeted improvement of health literacy is urgently required, and students need special instruction for this purpose. Further investigations in this area with larger sets of data, which could be feasible with the help of a computer program, are urgently needed. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/16281", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2020/5/e16281", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/16281", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32209532" }