@Article{info:doi/10.2196/13622,作者="van Kuppenveld, Savannah IR and van Os-Medendorp, Harmieke and Tiemessen, Nicole AM and van Delden, Johannes JM",标题="通过三级医院患者门户实时访问电子健康记录:有害吗?一项回顾性混合方法观察性研究”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2020”,月=“Feb”,日=“11”,卷=“22”,数=“2”,页=“e13622”,关键词=“患者门户”;沟通;卫生服务研究;信息技术",摘要="背景:快速实施患者门户,患者可通过该门户查看其电子健康记录,为患者与保健专业人员之间的信息交换和通信创造了可能性。然而,检测结果和临床报告的实时披露引起了人们的关注。目的:本研究旨在探讨通过患者门户网站实时披露医疗信息所产生的负面体验。方法:在2年的时间里收集4个数据集的数据,包括卫生保健专业人员报告的事件、患者的投诉、患者在门户网站帮助台的问题以及卫生保健专业人员的调查。通过编码的迭代过程,统计和分析调查中的事件、投诉、问题和答案。结果:在选择的2年时间框架内,平均每月有7978例患者至少登录一次门户网站。 The amount of negative incidents and complaints was limited. A total of 6 incidents, 4 complaints, and 2506 issues at the helpdesk concerning the patient portal were reported, of which only 2, 1, and 3 cases of these respective databases concerned real-time disclosure of medical information through the patient portal. Moreover, 32 out of 216 health care professionals reported patients that had negative experiences with real-time disclosure. Most negative consequences concerned confused and anxious patients when confronted with unexpected or incomprehensible results. Conclusions: Real-time access through a patient portal did not substantially result in negative consequences. The negative consequences that did occur can be mitigated by adequate preparation and instruction of patients concerning the various functionalities of the patient portal, real-time disclosure of test results in particular, and can also be managed through educating health care professionals about the patient portal and making adjustments in the daily practice of health care professionals. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/13622", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2020/2/e13622/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/13622" }