@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。6173,作者=“Berry, Natalie和Lobban, Fiona和Belousov, Maksim和Emsley, Richard和Nenadic, Goran和Bucci, Sandra”,标题=“{\#}WhyWeTweetMH:理解人们为什么使用Twitter讨论心理健康问题”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2017”,月=“4”,日=“05”,卷=“19”,数=“4”,页=“e107”,关键词=“心理健康;推特;社交媒体",摘要="背景:社交媒体网站Twitter的使用非常普遍,并导致大量基于网络的社交和健康相关数据可供研究人员使用。因此,研究人员越来越多地使用社交媒体上的数据来检索和分析与心理健康有关的内容。然而,关于为什么人们首先使用这个新兴平台来讨论心理健康问题,证据有限。目的:本研究的目的是探讨个人在社交媒体网站Twitter上讨论心理健康的原因。这项研究是同类研究中首次为研究使用特定研究标签;因此,我们还研究了在心理健康研究中传播和分析特定研究标签的可行性。方法:使用Twitter流媒体应用程序编程接口(API)和Twitter搜索API的文本挖掘方法,收集和组织2015年9月至2015年11月期间传播的标签“{\#}WhyWeTweetMH”的推文。 Tweets were analyzed thematically to understand the key reasons for discussing mental health using the Twitter platform. Results: Four overarching themes were derived from the 132 tweets collected: (1) sense of community; (2) raising awareness and combatting stigma; (3) safe space for expression; and (4) coping and empowerment. In addition, 11 associated subthemes were also identified. Conclusions: The themes derived from the content of the tweets highlight the perceived therapeutic benefits of Twitter through the provision of support and information and the potential for self-management strategies. The ability to use Twitter to combat stigma and raise awareness of mental health problems indicates the societal benefits that can be facilitated via the platform. The number of tweets and themes identified demonstrates the feasibility of implementing study-specific hashtags to explore research questions in the field of mental health and can be used as a basis for other health-related research. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.6173", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2017/4/e107/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.6173", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28381392" }