@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。6670,作者=“Massey, Philip M and Leader, Amy and Yom-Tov, Elad and Budenz, Alexandra and Fisher, Kara and Klassen, Ann C”,标题=“应用多种数据收集工具量化Twitter上的人乳头瘤病毒疫苗传播”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2016”,月=“Dec”,日=“05”,卷=“18”,数=“12”,页=“e318”,关键词=“HPV疫苗;推特;沟通方法;内容分析;背景:人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)是美国最常见的性传播感染。有几种疫苗可以预防与宫颈癌和其他癌症最相关的HPV毒株。因此,HPV疫苗接种已成为青少年预防保健的重要组成部分。随着媒体的发展,更多关于HPV疫苗接种的信息正在转移到Twitter等社交媒体平台上。在社交媒体上消费的健康信息可能对社会各阶层,如年轻人口以及少数民族和种族群体特别有影响力。 Objective: The objectives of our study were to quantify HPV vaccine communication on Twitter, and to develop a novel methodology to improve the collection and analysis of Twitter data. Methods: We collected Twitter data using 10 keywords related to HPV vaccination from August 1, 2014 to July 31, 2015. Prospective data collection used the Twitter Search API and retrospective data collection used Twitter Firehose. Using a codebook to characterize tweet sentiment and content, we coded a subsample of tweets by hand to develop classification models to code the entire sample using machine learning procedures. We also documented the words in the 140-character tweet text most associated with each keyword. We used chi-square tests, analysis of variance, and nonparametric equality of medians to test for significant differences in tweet characteristic by sentiment. Results: A total of 193,379 English-language tweets were collected, classified, and analyzed. Associated words varied with each keyword, with more positive and preventive words associated with ``HPV vaccine'' and more negative words associated with name-brand vaccines. Positive sentiment was the largest type of sentiment in the sample, with 75,393 positive tweets (38.99{\%} of the sample), followed by negative sentiment with 48,940 tweets (25.31{\%} of the sample). Positive and neutral tweets constituted the largest percentage of tweets mentioning prevention or protection (20,425/75,393, 27.09{\%} and 6477/25,110, 25.79{\%}, respectively), compared with only 11.5{\%} of negative tweets (5647/48,940; P<.001). Nearly one-half (22,726/48,940, 46.44{\%}) of negative tweets mentioned side effects, compared with only 17.14{\%} (12,921/75,393) of positive tweets and 15.08{\%} of neutral tweets (3787/25,110; P<.001). Conclusions: Examining social media to detect health trends, as well as to communicate important health information, is a growing area of research in public health. Understanding the content and implications of conversations that form around HPV vaccination on social media can aid health organizations and health-focused Twitter users in creating a meaningful exchange of ideas and in having a significant impact on vaccine uptake. This area of research is inherently interdisciplinary, and this study supports this movement by applying public health, health communication, and data science approaches to extend methodologies across fields. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.6670", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2016/12/e318/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.6670", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27919863" }