@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。3479,作者="Ubhi, Harveen Kaur and Michie, Susan and Kotz, Daniel and Wong, Wai Chi and West, Robert",标题="一个帮助戒烟的手机应用程序:初步评估无烟28",期刊="J Med Internet Res",年="2015",月="Jan",日="16",卷="17",数="1",页数="e17",关键词="戒烟干预;移动;智能手机;应用程序;背景:人们对移动应用程序在帮助戒烟方面的有效性或其在自动收集戒烟结果数据方面的有效性知之甚少。目的:我们对SF28 (SF28是应用程序的名称,是无烟28的缩写)进行了初步评估,这是一款旨在帮助吸烟者戒烟28天的应用程序。方法:在2012年8月至2013年8月期间,从SF28上传有关社会人口学特征、吸烟史、登录次数和每次登录时禁欲的数据到服务器。如果用户年龄在16岁或以上,在注册时吸烟,设置了戒烟日期,并且在戒烟日期或之后至少使用过一次应用程序,那么他们就被包括在内。研究人员将他们的特征与英国试图戒烟的代表性样本的数据进行了比较。 The percentage of users recording 28 days of abstinence was compared with a value of 15{\%} estimated for unaided quitting. Correlations were assessed between recorded abstinence for 28 days and well-established abstinence predictors. Results: A total of 1170 users met the inclusion criteria. Compared with smokers trying to quit in England, they had higher consumption, and were younger, more likely to be female, and had a non-manual rather than manual occupation. In total, 18.9{\%} (95{\%} CI 16.7-21.1) were recorded as being abstinent from smoking for 28 days or longer. The mean number of logins was 8.5 (SD 9.0). The proportion recording abstinence for 28 days or longer was higher in users who were older, in a non-manual occupation, and in those using a smoking cessation medication. Conclusions: The recorded 28-day abstinence rates from the mobile app, SF28, suggest that it may help some smokers to stop smoking. Further evaluation by means of a randomized trial appears to be warranted. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.3479", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2015/1/e17/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.3479", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25596170" }