@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。2334,作者=“Pedrana, Alisa和helard, Margaret和Gold, Judy和Ata, Nadine和Chang, Shanton和Howard, Steve和Asselin, Jason和Ilic, Olivia和Batrouney, Colin和Stoove, Mark”,标题=“酷儿作为F**k:通过社交网站达到和参与同性恋男性的性健康促进”,期刊=“J医学互联网Res”,年=“2013”,月=“2月”,日=“07”,卷=“15”,数=“2”,页=“e25”,关键词=“健康促进;互联网;社交网站;性的健康;背景:越来越多的健康促进干预措施正在利用新的社交媒体平台的普及和互动性来促进和参与社区的健康促进。然而,很少有使用社交网站(SNS)的健康促进干预措施得到严格评估。“酷儿如F**k”(QAF)于2010年作为试点项目开始,通过社交网络上的短“网络插曲”向男同性恋者提供性健康宣传。现在已经是第五季了,QAF是国际上为数不多的展示SNS促进性健康潜力的出版物之一。目的:本评估的目的是评估QAF产生的覆盖面、互动性和参与度,为未来使用SNS的卫生干预和评估提供信息。 Methods: We undertook a mixed method process evaluation using an uncontrolled longitudinal study design that compared multiple measurements over time to assess changes in reach and engagement. We adapted evaluation methods from the health promotion, information systems, and creative spheres. We incorporated online usage statistics, interviews informed by user diary-scrapbooks, and user focus groups to assess intervention reach and engagement. Results: During Series 1-3 (April 2010 to April 2011), 32 webisodes were posted on the QAF Facebook and YouTube pages. These webisodes attracted over 30,000 views; ranging from 124-3092 views per individual episode. By April 2011, the QAF Facebook page had 2929 predominantly male fans. Interview and focus group participants supported the balance of education and entertainment. They endorsed the narrative ``soap opera'' format as an effective way to deliver sexual health messages in an engaging, informative, and accessible manner that encouraged online peer discussion of sexual health and promoted community engagement. Conclusions: QAF offers a successful example of exploiting the reach, interactivity, and engagement potential of SNS; findings from this process evaluation provide a model to inform the delivery and evaluation of future health promotion interventions on SNS. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.2334", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2013/2/e25/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.2334", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23391459" }