@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。2297,作者="Thackeray, Rosemary and Crookston, Benjamin T and West, Joshua H",标题="成人健康相关社交媒体使用的相关性",期刊="J Med Internet Res",年份="2013",月份="Jan",日="30",卷="15",数="1",页数="e21",关键词="社交媒体;互联网;健康信息;背景:60%的互联网用户报告使用互联网查找健康信息。社交媒体网站正在成为在线健康信息的潜在来源。然而,人们是如何利用社交媒体来实现这一目的的,我们知之甚少。目的:本研究的目的有两方面:(1)确定各种类型的在线健康寻求行为的频率;(2)确定两种与健康相关的在线活动,健康相关活动的社交网站(SNS)和咨询在线用户生成的关于卫生保健提供者、卫生设施或医疗的答案的相关内容。方法:这项研究包括对1745名成年人的电话调查,这些人报告说他们会在网上寻找与健康相关的信息。创建了四个子量表来衡量在线资源的使用情况,其中:(1)使用SNS进行与健康相关的活动; (2) consulting online rankings and reviews of doctors, hospitals or medical facilities, and drugs or medical treatments; (3) posting a review online of doctors, hospitals or medical facilities, and drugs or medical treatments, and (4) posting a comment or question about health or medical issues on various social media. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed. Results: Respondents consulted online rankings or reviews (41.15{\%}), used SNS for health (31.58{\%}), posted reviews (9.91{\%}), and posted a comment, question, or information (15.19{\%}). Respondents with a chronic disease were nearly twice as likely to consult online rankings (odds ratio [OR] 2.09, 95{\%} CI 1.66-2.63, P<.001). Lower odds of consulting online reviews were associated with less formal education (OR 0.49, 95{\%} CI 0.37-0.65, P<.001) and being male (OR 0.71, 95{\%} CI 0.57-0.87, P<.001). Respondents with higher incomes were 1.5 times as likely to consult online rankings or reviews (OR 1.49, 95{\%} CI 0.10-2.24, P=.05), than respondents with a regular provider (OR 2.05, 95{\%} CI 1.52-2.78, P<.001), or living in an urban/suburban location (OR 1.61, 95{\%} CI 1.17-2.22, P<.001). Older respondents were less likely to use SNS for health-related activities (OR 0.96, 95{\%} CI 0.95-0.97, P<.001), as were males (OR 0.70, 95{\%} CI 0.56-0.87, P<.001), whereas respondents with a regular provider had nearly twice the likelihood of using SNS for health-related activities (OR 1.89, 95{\%} CI 1.43-2.52, P<.001). Conclusions: People are using social media for seeking health information. However, individuals are more likely to consume information than they are to contribute to the dialog. The inherent value of ``social'' in social media is not being captured with online health information seeking. People with a regular health care provider, chronic disease, and those in younger age groups are more likely to consult online rankings and reviews and use SNS for health-related activities. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.2297", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2013/1/e21/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.2297", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23367505" }