@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。1349,作者=“Stinson, Jennifer和McGrath, Patrick和Hodnett, Ellen和Feldman, Brian和Duffy, Ciaran和Huber, Adam和Tucker, Lori和Hetherington, Ross和Tse, Shirley和Spiegel, Lynn和Campillo, Sarah和Gill, Navreet和White, Meghan”,标题=“青少年特发性关节炎在线自我管理程序的可用性测试”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2010”,月=“7”,日=“29”,卷=“12”,数=“3”,页=“e30”,关键词:青少年特发性关节炎;互联网;可用性测试;自我管理;背景:一个新的双语(英语和法语)基于互联网的自我管理项目,青少年负责:管理关节炎在线,为患有关节炎的青少年和他们的父母开发了一个需求评估。目的:本研究探讨青少年特发性关节炎(JIA)及其父母自我管理程序的可用性(用户表现和满意度),以完善健康门户原型。方法:采用半结构化、录音访谈和训练有素的观察者观察的定性研究设计,通过两个迭代周期来确定用户界面和干预内容领域的可用性(易用性、效率、错误和用户满意度)。有目的的英语样本(n = 11; mean age = 15.4, standard deviation [SD] 1.7) and French-speaking (n = 8; mean age = 16.0, SD 1.2) adolescents with JIA and one of their respective parents/caregivers were recruited from 2 Canadian tertiary care centers. Descriptive statistics and simple content analyses were used to organize data into categories that reflected the emerging usability themes. Results: All of the participants had access to a computer/Internet at home; however, adolescents were more comfortable using the computer/Internet than their parents. Adolescents and parents provided similar as well as differing suggestions on how the website user interface could be improved in terms of its usability (navigation; presentation and control usage errors; format and layout; as well as areas for further content development). There were no major differences in usability issues between English- and French-speaking participants. Minor changes to the website user interface were made and tested in a second cycle of participants. No further usability problems were identified in the second iterative cycle of testing. Teens and parents responded positively to the appearance and theme of the website (ie, promoting self-management) and felt that it was easy to navigate, use, and understand. Participants felt that the content was appropriate and geared to meet the unique needs of adolescents with JIA and their parents as well as English- and French-speaking families. Many participants responded that the interactive features (discussion board, stories of hope, and video clips of youth with JIA) made them feel supported and ``not alone'' in their illness. Conclusions: We describe the usability testing of a self-management health portal designed for English- and French-speaking youth with arthritis and their parents, which uncovered several usability issues. Usability testing is a crucial step in the development of self-management health portals to ensure that the various end users (youth and parents) have the ability to access, understand, and use health-related information and services that are delivered via the Internet and that they are delivered in an efficient, effective, satisfying, and culturally competent manner. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.1349", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2010/3/e30/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1349", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20675293" }