杂志文章I JMIR出版物对成人纤维肌痛患者舞蹈的范围综述:我们对它了卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析解多少?%A Bidonde,Julia %A Boden,Catherine %A Kim,Soo %A Busch,Angela J %A Goes,Suelen M %A Knight,Emily %+卫生服务部,挪威公共卫生研究所,Sandakerveien 24C, D11栋,4楼,奥斯陆,0473,挪威,1 9055176566,julia.bidonde@fhi.no %K纤维肌痛%K运动%K舞蹈%K范围审查%K成人%D 2018 %7 10.05.2018 %9审查%J JMIR Rehabil辅助技术%G英语%X背景:纤维肌痛是一种以广泛的肌肉压痛、疼痛、疲劳和认知困难为特征的慢性疾病。非药物治疗选择,如体育活动,对纤维肌痛患者很重要。有强烈的建议支持参与身体活动的症状管理成人纤维肌痛。舞蹈是一种身体活动模式,可以让纤维肌痛患者改善他们的身体功能、健康和幸福。舞蹈有潜力促进改善疼痛处理,同时提供参与身体活动的健康和社会效益,有助于症状管理和整体功能康复。然而,我们不知道目前的证据表明舞蹈作为一种非药物/身体活动干预成人纤维肌痛。目的:本研究的目的是了解舞蹈是如何用于治疗个体纤维肌痛;研究该领域研究活动的程度、范围和性质; and to determine the value of undertaking a systematic review of interventions. Methods: We used and adapted the Arksey and O’Malley scoping framework. The search strategy involved a comprehensive search of main health and electronic social databases, trial registries and grey literature without language limits. Pairs of reviewers independently screened and extracted data and evaluated the methodological quality of randomized control trials. Results: Twenty-one unique records for 13 studies met inclusion criteria; the studies included mostly middle-aged women. Types of dance included were aerobic dance, belly dance, dance movement therapy, biodanza and Zumba. Intervention parameters were different among studies. Frequency varied between one to three times a week; all were done in small group settings. Studies evaluated a variety of outcomes in the symptoms, wellness, psychosocial, physical functioning, balance and fitness categories; no studies evaluated the safety or adverse events systematically which is a major weakness of the literature. Conclusions: There are few studies in the field of dance and fibromyalgia, suggesting research is in its infancy but slowly growing. They are of European and South American origin, focusing on female participants and a limited number of dance modes. Because the body of literature is small, of low quality and highly heterogeneous, we concluded that a systematic review of interventions on dance is not warranted at this time. %M 29748158 %R 10.2196/10033 %U http://rehab.www.mybigtv.com/2018/1/e10033/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/10033 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29748158