%0杂志文章%@ 2561- 9128% I JMIR出版物%V 3%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 N 2% P e21138% T一个智能手机应用程序,为接受脊柱手术的患者提供数字护理途径:开发和可行性研究庞德,麦迪逊,安萨-耶博阿,阿贝娜,查拉兰博斯,莱夫科,阿迪尔,赛伊德,文卡特拉曼,维沙尔,阿卜德-艾尔-巴尔,穆罕默德,哈格伦德,迈克尔,格罗西,彼得,亚伯勒,切斯特,拉吉夫,盖拉德,齐亚德,希凡南德,神经外科,杜克大学医学中心,30杜克医学圈,达勒姆,北卡罗来纳州,27710,美国,1 919 613 0444,lefko.charalambous@duke.edu %K开发%K数字干预%K数字健康%K智能手机应用程序%K手术%K行为改变%K移动应用程序%K技术%K手机%K移动健康%D 2020 %7 16.10.2020 %9原始论文%J JMIR Perioper Med %G英文%X背景:在以效率为中心的医疗保健环境中,为接受脊柱手术的患者及其护理人员提供持续的、高质量的手术前后护理,这是一个巨大的未满足的临床需求。目的:本研究的目的是在接受选择性脊柱手术(MMS- spine)的患者中设计、开发和评估一种名为ManageMySurgery (MMS)的基于规划、结果和分析的新型智能手机应用程序的可接受性和可行性。方法:MMS应用程序的开发过程分为两个连续阶段:(1)基于外科医生和患者反馈的改进的循证干预设计;(2)临床试点研究的可行性测试。我们开发了一种新型的、基于移动设备的、符合健康保险携带和责任法案的介入和外科手术平台。这是一个以患者为中心的移动健康应用程序,简化了患者与护理团队的互动。MMS将患者的旅程分为几个阶段,使其能够提供满足患者独特需求的定制护理路径。患者报告的结果很容易收集,并符合美国国立卫生研究院患者报告的结果测量信息系统(PROMIS)标准。结果:我们测试了MMS-Spine应用程序在一个大型学术卫生系统中接受选择性脊柱手术的患者的可行性。 A total of 47 patients undergoing elective spine surgery (26 cervical spine and 21 lumbar spine surgeries) downloaded and used MMS-Spine to navigate their surgical journey, quantify their baseline characteristics and postoperative outcomes, and provide feedback on the utility of the app in preparing for and recovering from their spinal surgery. The median age was 59.0 (range 33-77) years, 22 of the 47 patients (47%) were women, and 26 patients (55%) had commercial insurance. Of the 47 patients, a total of 33 (70%) logged in on an iOS device, 11 (23%) on an Android device, and 3 (6%) on a computer or tablet. A total of 17 of the 47 patients (36%) added a caregiver, of which 7 (41%) logged in. The median number of sign-ins was 2. A total of 38 of 47 patients (81%) completed their baseline preoperative PROMIS-29 outcomes, and 14 patients (30%) completed at least one PROMIS-29 survey during the postoperative period. Of the 24 patients who completed the MMS survey, 21 (88%) said it was helpful during preparation for their procedure, 16 (67%) said it was helpful during the postoperative period, and 23 (96%) said that they would recommend MMS to a friend or family member. Conclusions: We used a patient-centered approach based on proven behavior change techniques to develop a comprehensive smartphone app for patients undergoing elective spine surgery. The optimized version of the app is ready for formal testing in a larger randomized clinical study to establish its cost-effectiveness and effect on patients’ self-management skills and long-term outcomes. %M 33393924 %R 10.2196/21138 %U http://periop.www.mybigtv.com/2020/2/e21138/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/21138 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33393924