[0]基于移动语音的老年人食品报告设计与可用性评价卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析随机对照试验%刘a,陈颖杰%,林建鸿%,陈玉生%,陈新云%,Irianti %,Denisa %, Jen %,叶婷妮%,赵卓颖%,岳霞%+台湾桃园桂山333号文华一路259号,长工大学管理学院医疗管理与健康老龄化研究中心,电话:886 3 2118800转5250。sherrychiu@mail.cgu.edu.tw %K语音添加设计%K食品报告%K老年人%K可用性评估%K自动语音识别%K移动健康%K随机试验%D 2020 %7 28.9.2020 %9原论文JMIR移动健康Uhealth背景:语音技术的进步为日常健康维护相关的应用程序提供了新的可能性。然而,这些技术对老年用户的可用性仍不清楚,需要进一步调查。目的:我们设计并评估了两种创新的移动语音添加的食物摄入报告应用程序,即语音报告(VOR)和语音按钮报告(VBR)。每个应用程序都有一个独特的互动程序来报告食物摄入量。使用VOR,用户口头报告每道菜的主要内容,而VBR提供语音和现有的触摸屏输入来报告食物摄入量。这两款应用的相对可用性是通过准确性、效率和用户感知等指标来评估的。方法:采用平行随机试验法对两款手机应用进行比较。从某退休社区招募60-90岁的成年人57人,其中男性12人,女性45人,随机分为VOR组(n=30)和VBR组(n=27)。 Both groups were tested using the same set of 17 food items including dishes and beverages selected and allocated to present distinct breakfast, lunch, and dinner meals. All participants used a 7-inch tablet computer for the test. The resulting data were analyzed to evaluate reporting accuracy and time efficiency, and the system usability scale (SUS) was used to measure user perception. Results: For eight error types identified in the experiment, the VBR group participants were significantly (P<.001) more error prone owing to the required use of button-tapping actions. The highest error rates in the VOR group were related to incomprehensible reporting speech (28/420, 6.7%), while the highest error rates in the VBR group were related to failure to make required button taps (39/378, 10.3%). The VOR group required significantly (P<.001) less time to complete food reporting. The overall subjective reactions of the two groups based on the SUS surpassed the benchmark and were not significantly different (P=.20). Conclusions: Experimental results showed that VOR outperformed VBR, suggesting that voice-only food input reporting is preferable for elderly users. Voice-added apps offer a potential mechanism for the self-management of dietary intake by elderly users. Our study contributes an evidence-based evaluation of prototype design and selection under a user-centered design model. The results provide a useful reference for selecting optimal user interaction design. Trial Registration: International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial Registry ISRCTN17335889; http://www.isrctn.com/ISRCTN17335889. %M 32985999 %R 10.2196/20317 %U http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2020/9/e20317/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/20317 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32985999