成长中的健康移动健康计划对母乳喂养、固体食物引入时间和婴儿生长的关键教卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析训和影响:准实验研究%A Laws,Rachel A %A Denney-Wilson,Elizabeth A %A Taki,Sarah %A Russell,Catherine G %A Zheng, miaoobing %A Litterbach,Eloise-Kate %A Ong, kokleong %A Lymer,Sharyn J %A Elliott,Rosalind %A Campbell,Karen J %+迪肯大学运动与营养科学学院,Locked Bag 20000, Geelong, 3220, Australia, 61 9244 5574,r.laws@deakin.edu.au %K mHealth %K预防肥胖%K婴儿%K父母%K母乳喂养%K补充喂养%K配方喂养%D 2018 %7 19.04.2018 %9背景:生命的第一年是启动健康婴儿喂养实践以促进健康成长的重要窗口。通过移动电话提供的干预措施(移动保健)为接触父母提供了一种新颖的方法;然而,人们对移动健康在预防儿童肥胖方面的有效性知之甚少。目的:本研究的目的是在可及性、可接受性和对关键婴儿喂养结果的影响方面确定移动健康肥胖预防干预的可行性和有效性。方法:采用移动健康干预组(健康成长)和非随机对照组(婴儿第一餐)进行准实验研究。干预组可以访问一个免费的应用程序和网站,该应用程序和网站包含有关婴儿喂养、睡眠和安顿的信息,并为0至9个月婴儿的父母提供一般支持。应用程序生成的通知将父母引导到应用程序中针对年龄和喂养的特定内容。两组人在婴儿不到3个月(T1)、6个月(T2)和9个月(T3)时完成基于网络的调查。采用生存分析检查母乳喂养和配方奶粉引入的持续时间,并采用cox比例风险回归检查两组停止母乳喂养的风险比。 Multivariate logistic regression with adjustment for a range of child and parental factors was used to compare the exclusive breastfeeding, formula feeding behaviors, and timing of solid introduction between the 2 groups. Mixed effect polynomial regression models were performed to examine the group differences in growth trajectory from birth to T3. Results: A total of 909 parents initiated the enrollment process, and a final sample of 645 parents (Growing healthy=301, Baby’s First Food=344) met the eligibility criteria. Most mothers were Australian born and just under half had completed a university education. Retention of participants was high (80.3%, 518/645) in both groups. Most parents (226/260, 86.9%) downloaded and used the app; however, usage declined over time. There was a high level of satisfaction with the program, with 86.1% (143/166) reporting that they trusted the information in the app and 84.6% (170/201) claiming that they would recommend it to a friend. However, some technical problems were encountered with just over a quarter of parents reporting that the app failed to work at times. There were no significant differences between groups in any of the target behaviors. Growth trajectories also did not differ between the 2 groups. Conclusions: An mHealth intervention using a smartphone app to promote healthy infant feeding behaviors is a feasible and acceptable mode for delivering obesity prevention intervention to parents; however, app usage declined over time. Learnings from this study will be used to further enhance the program so as to improve its potential for changing infant feeding behaviors. %M 29674313 %R 10.2196/mhealth.9040 %U http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2018/4/e78/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/mhealth.9040 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29674313