使用间歇性禁食应用程序保持,禁食模式和减肥;卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析大规模、52周观察研究%托雷斯,路易莎%李,欢乐L %公园,Di Lorenzo Seho %, R基督教% Branam,乔纳森•P %弗雷泽Shelagh %索尔兹伯里,本杰明·% + LifeOmic 351 w 10日圣,印第安纳波利斯,在46202年,美国,1 9377512962,ben.salisbury@lifeomic.com % K间歇性禁食% K time-restricted吃% K减肥% K肥胖% K移动应用% K饮食追踪器% K保留% D原始论文7 4.10.2022 % 9 2022% % J JMIR Mhealth Uhealth % G英语% X背景:间歇性禁食(IF)是一种日益流行的饮食控制方法,它关注的是进食的时间,而不是摄入热量的数量和含量。如果从业者通常寻求改善他们的体重和其他健康因素。数以百万计的从业者已经转向专门开发的移动应用程序来帮助他们跟踪和坚持他们的禁食,并监测他们的体重和其他生物特征的变化。目的:本研究旨在量化两款IF手机应用的用户留存率、禁食模式和减肥情况。我们还试图描述和建模起始BMI、禁食量、体重跟踪频率和其他与保持和体重变化相关的人口统计数据。方法:我们收集了2018年至2020年使用LIFE禁食追踪器和LIFE Extend应用程序的成年用户(18-100岁)的身高、体重、禁食和人口统计数据。52周的留存率是根据记录的速度和用户统计数据进行量化的。提供身高和至少两次体重读数的用户,其第一次快速和体重记录是同时发生的,都被纳入减肥分析。 Fasting was quantified as extended fasting hours (EFH; hours beyond 12 in a fast) averaged per day (EFH per day). Retention was modeled using a Cox proportional hazards regression. Weight loss was analyzed using linear regression. Results: A total of 792,692 users were followed for retention based on 26 million recorded fasts. Of these, 132,775 (16.7%) users were retained at 13 weeks, 54,881 (6.9%) at 26 weeks, and 16,478 (2.1%) at 52 weeks, allowing 4 consecutive weeks of inactivity. The survival analysis using Cox regression indicated that retention was positively associated with age and exercise and negatively associated with stress and smoking. Weight loss in the qualifying cohort (n=161,346) was strongly correlated with starting BMI and EFH per day, which displayed a positive interaction. Users with a BMI ≥40 kg/m2 lost 13.9% of their starting weight by 52 weeks versus a slight weight gain on average for users with starting BMI <23 kg/m2. EFH per day was an approximately linear predictor of weight loss. By week 26, users lost over 1% of their starting weight per EFH per day on average. The regression analysis using all variables was highly predictive of weight change at 26 weeks (R2=0.334) with starting BMI and EFH per day as the most significant predictors. Conclusions: IF with LIFE mobile apps appears to be a sustainable approach to weight reduction in the overweight and obese population. Healthy weight and underweight individuals do not lose much weight on average, even with extensive fasting. Users who are obese lose substantial weight over time, with more weight loss in those who fast more. %M 36194463 %R 10.2196/35896 %U https://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2022/10/e35896 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/35896 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36194463