@Article{信息:doi/10.2196/16165,作者=“乔尔吉·罗西、保罗和法拉利、弗朗西斯卡和阿马里、塞尔吉奥和巴西、安德烈和邦维奇尼、劳拉和达尔阿格里奥、卢卡和德拉·朱斯蒂娜、克劳迪娅和法布里、亚历山德拉和法拉利、安娜·玛丽亚和法拉利、埃琳娜和丰塔纳、玛尔塔和福拉基亚、马尔科和加雷利、特蕾莎和加努吉、朱莉娅和伊拉里、芭芭拉和洛·斯科科、萨拉和马埃斯特里、吉安卢卡和莫雷蒂、维罗尼卡和潘扎、科斯坦蒂诺和皮诺蒂、米尔科和普兰迪尼、里卡多和斯托拉尼、Simone and Street, Maria Elisabeth and Tamelli, Marco and Trowbridge, Hayley and Venturelli, Francesco and Volta, Alessandro and Davoli, Anna Maria”,标题=“描述共同创建儿童肥胖预防智能手机应用程序的过程和工具:混合方法研究”,期刊=“JMIR Mhealth Uhealth”,年=“2020”,月=“6”,日=“8”,卷=“8”,数=“6”,页=“e16165”,关键词=“儿童肥胖;健康促进;移动健康;cocreation;背景:预防儿童肥胖是工业化国家的公共卫生重点。雷焦艾米利亚地方卫生局执行了一项涉及初级和二级预防以及照顾肥胖儿童的方案。有许多促进健康的移动应用程序,但很少有针对儿童的,很少有由公共卫生机构赞助的。目的:本研究的目的是描述由Reggio Emilia地方卫生当局赞助的、安装在父母手机上的移动应用程序的过程和工具,旨在促进儿童健康和预防肥胖。方法:在利益相关者映射之后,成立了一个包括相关行为者、利益相关者和用户在内的咨询委员会。 Key persons for childhood obesity prevention were interviewed, focus groups with parents and pediatricians were conducted, and community reporting storytelling was collected. The results of these activities were presented to the consulting committee in order to define the functionalities and contents of the mobile app. Results: Three key trends emerged from community reporting: being active, playing, and being outdoors; time for oneself, family, and friends; and the pressures of life and work and not having time to be active and socialize. In focus groups, interviews, and labs, mothers showed a positive attitude toward using an app to manage their children's weight, while pediatricians expressed concerns that the app could increase their workload. When these findings were explored by the consulting committee, four key themes were extracted: strong relationships with peers, family members, and the community; access to safe outdoor spaces; children's need for age-appropriate independence; and professional support should be nonjudgmental and stigma-free. It should be a dialogue that promotes family autonomy. The app functions related to these needs include the following: (1) newsletter with anticipatory guidance, recipes, and vaccination and well-child visit reminders; (2) regional map indicating where physical activity can be done; (3) information on how to manage emergencies (eg, falls, burns, fever); (4) module for reinforcing the counseling intervention conducted by pediatricians for overweight children; and (5) a function to build a balanced daily diet. Conclusions: The pilot study we conducted showed that cocreation in health promotion is feasible, with the consulting committee being the key co-governance and cocreation tool. The involvement of stakeholders in this committee made it possible to expand the number of persons and institutions actively contributing to the project. ", issn="2291-5222", doi="10.2196/16165", url="https://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2020/6/e16165", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/16165", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32357123" }